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WoD - Tuesday 22nd October, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 22nd October, 2024

Its now pretty early and i have three savages to walk, so this now is all you’re getting.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
7 rounds for time:
35 Double unders
5 Bar muscle ups

Every minute, on the minute for 16 minutes:
1: ‘x’ Bar muscle ups
2: 30 - 40 Double unders
3: 10 - 15 GHD sit ups
4: 30s Farmer carry
‘X’= 10-20% of 5 minute BMU test. Or choose a challenging rep range which takes 20-30s

Every minute, on the minute for 12 minutes:
1: 3 - 8 Ring pull-up
2: 3 - 8 Ring dip
3: 30s Hollow hold

3 Sets:
6 - 12 Strict toes to bar
12/12 Straight arm plank rotations