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WoD - Wednesday 8th August, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 8th August, 2018

This is a very special day...Woody, one CrossFit Cardiff's longest standing members and absolute stud turns 30 again today!! wouldn't have a clue! 

Almost immediately upon joining the gym, Woody adopted a strong role within the community. Through unrelenting kindness to others and generosity, often to her detriment, she would make all those around her feel happy. 
There was no fooling her, a tough shift on the ambulance, an argument with your other half, maybe even something as simple as a bad workout at the gym resulted in an invite to dinner; something that was very hard to say no to. Even though it's always kick ass, not because of the food, rather as you know how much better you'll feel when you leave her company. 

Woody, you may never know how much you mean to me, this gym and the people within it. You and your family are a huge part of our lives, so much so, I would hate to think of what it would be like without you.

I don't know who Alan Jenkins is, but a very Penblwydd Hapus to you from everyone at CrossFit Cardiff....

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 15mins:
1 Rep Max Snatch

B: Within 15mins:
1 Rep Max Clean & Jerk

Another chance to test yourselves, but this time on strength. You know what to do after the class, and more importantly when to right in RED!! 
