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WoD - Monday 22nd August, 2022

WoD - Monday 22nd August, 2022

I am mega busy for the next week, pretty much straight and so I am writing this blog post on the 16th. Man, literally anything could happen between now and then.
I could’ve won a shed ton of money on the lottery and still be posting this vile workout, maybe doing it again from some deserted island!

I promised (with my fingers crossed behind my back) that I wouldn’t program this. But… I had my fingers crossed and did NOT put my eyebrows on it so…

Watson is a fucking legend, END OF. He used to coach for us many moons ago. Marvel in this, says it all really…

Click on the above!! If you can’t because my system is having a hissy fit, search for Danny Watson Legend!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
30 - 27 - 24 - 21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
3 - 6 - 9 - 12 - 15 - 18 - 21 - 24 - 27 - 30
Kettlebell swings (32/24kg)

WoD - Thursday 15th April, 2021

WoD - Thursday 15th April, 2021

Do you remember your first WoD? How messed up you were because it really F’ing hurt, you had to focus a bunch on lots of new movements and environments and so your brain wash also mush?!
Well that’s what the lad WatsonFish is feeling like today after his first plod yesterday.

Out on the streets, nothing spotting the lanky little shit bag now! The only thing left to do is to expose him to barbells! 😉

Cheeky interval sprints for you tomorrow. Enjoy!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds, each for time:
25 Double unders
100m sprint (50m out, 50m back)
25 Double unders

Rest 3mins between rounds

Go hard enough on the runs to want to vomit. No holding back!

Chilled Watts.JPG