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WoD - Monday 16th September, 2024

WoD - Monday 16th September, 2024

I hope you were all found laughing in the face of Friday the 13th, just as we all were laughing in the face of Mikey B when he was attempting to destroy us with pressing movements yesterday…

FUCK YOU Mikey B!!! 😁

Speaking of workouts causing utter destruction… you’re not going to like this very much!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 6 rounds, within 1:30:
18/15 Calorie assault bike
Max rep thrusters (50/35kg)
*3min rest between rounds

WoD - Tuesday 10th January, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 10th January, 2023

Yep, chucked in a cheeky 2022 yesterday, the first of many!

Tomorrow’s workout was inspired by that Irish assassin who you know and love so well, just with a little extra spice added!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 10 minutes, climb the ladder of:
1 Power clean
1 Thruster
2 Power cleans
2 Thrusters
3 Power cleans
3 Thrusters
4 Power cleans
4 Thrusters etc…
Barbell weight: 60/40kg

A: Ring muscle up progressions

B: 3 sets of:
3 RMU negatives
40s ring support

WoD - Wednesday 18th September, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 18th September, 2019

Done and dusted! Two days of utter chaos (controlled) with 168 athletes competing across two days at Reebok CrossFit Cardiff.

Thank you for your flexibility with the class timings. Everything is back to normal and you can expect an utterly disgusting sandbag workout any day soon!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
20 Dumbbell Snatch (R)
20 Dumbbell Thruster (L)
50 Dumbbell Box Step ups (20”)
20 Dumbbell Snatch (L)
20 Dumbbell Thruster (R)

DB recommended loading at 50/35


WoD - Friday 24th May, 2109

WoD - Friday 24th May, 2109

How are the gymnastics bodies? How many of you are suffering from monkey butt? What I bet is that those who have been around the block a minute or two will have used the gymnastics mats to sit their ab mats on top of. The rest of you were likely looking at them thinking…”what are those muppets doing?!”…and then you got in the shower! Ouch!

My incessant rambling is utterly limitless by the way. Especially when messed up on sleep deprivation due to a certain puppy deciding that he absolutely must evacuate his protein rich diet and then play at 2:30am. The big brown eyes look up at you while the jaws head for “Ducky” but immediately understand that the look that is returned simply means NO…go to your bed! Clever little brown monster!

Another seriously cool pup though…

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

In pairs and for time: 
50 Calorie Row
50 Thrusters (40/30kg)
50 Calorie Row
50 Pull Ups
50 Calorie Row

So this is all Suller’s doing, but…I didn’t stop it! Good luck, hell of an end to a week. Scores up please…

Woody the dog 2.jpg

WoD - Tuesday 26th March, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 26th March, 2019

Hands up if anyone else is now feeling the full effects of 19.5? In the last hour, my left lat attachment has seemingly caught fire, perhaps it is spontaneously combusting!? Who knows, but it does not feel okay!

We continue the week’s dedicated workouts with one named after Melski, and luckily for you lot she just loves a slut drop. Unfortunately, this is not a joke!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 rounds, each for time:
10 Thrusters (45/35kg)
15 Bar Hop Burpees 
10 Thrusters (45/35kg)
15 Bar Hop Burpees
Rest 4 mins between rounds

Please ensure that you punch Conners straight in the chops, en route to the whiteboard…


WoD - Friday 15th February, 2019

WoD - Friday 15th February, 2019

I hope you are all waking up to some serious Valentines Day hang overs…making it all better by heading straight to your local supermarket and stocking up with a bunch of Easter Eggs which, have no chance of lasting until Easter!

So it appears that my post yesterday had an effect, annoying the hell out of you women enough to make you sign up to the open. This makes me happy for two reasons:

  1. You actually read the blog!!

  2. You bit so hard that we are going to soon need a bigger boat, due to team Reebok CrossFit Cardiff being filled with bad assed bitaches!!

The last piece in the puzzle is upon us, Friday. Go nuts and get after this WoD but remember, the week is not over. Head to the box on mass this Saturday, to support one of your own…Hamish in his quest for 5000 burpees…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
15 Thrusters (45/35kg)
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes.
If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to 12 minutes.
If 270 reps (9 rounds) are completed in under 12 minutes, time extends to 16 minutes.

GOOD LUCK! This one is loads of “fun”

You know what to do….


WoD - Thursday 10th January, 2019

WoD - Thursday 10th January, 2019

So not that you lot are cherry pickers, not at all, but the weightlifting class was REALLY popular, holy shit!

27 of you legends rocked up to hone your tekkers, with drills and positions, embracing the besting from the Ginger Ninja! Amazing stuff! But like I always say though, everyone love to lift heavy shit, slap each other on the arse and drink protein shakes…but no one likes to suffer in a brutal met con class though…

Can anyone spot the tumbleweed?!

Can anyone spot the tumbleweed?!

With winter fully amongst us now, we need to warm up, and there are a few ways to do that. The Ben Bergeron Bleep test is one…

And in case you wanted to see just what it looks like…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Bergeron Beep Test
Complete an EMOM for as long as possible:
7 Thruster (40/30kg)
7 Pull Ups
7 Burpees

Once you can no longer complete these reps, within one minute, pop your scores to the whiteboard please…

WoD - Friday 27th April, 2018

WoD - Friday 27th April, 2018

Hands up if you are loving the fact the heavy lunge is back?! Butt cheeks of steal! Eddie Hall has nothing on you heroes. 
Now I know you all loved today's WoD, it was basically a dose of pecs and abs, all the show muscles. Ready for the beach! Ass and abs. 

When you see this you are NOT going to like it, but think yourself very has been adjusted to be "doable", by anyone, so long as your last name is Fraser or Toomey! Otherwise you're f**ked! ;-) 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

With a partner and for time:
100 thrusters (50/35kg)
100 pull ups
On the minute, every minute, 1 partner will run 100m

Please smother Suller with love for programming such a FUN workouts, before you write your scores on the board...


WoD - Friday 13th October, 2017

The date means nothing, just another number. One that you will count to a couple of times during today's workout. 

Get after it team. 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

For Time:
21 - 15 - 9
Thrusters (40/30kg)
Pull - ups
15 - 12 - 9
Thrusters (50/35kg)
Chest to bar Pull - ups
12 - 9 - 6
Thrusters (60/40kg)
Bar Muscle Ups

Watch something serious cool...HERE

Athletes may split the work as needed throughout. Please post times to the whiteboard....
