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WoD - Friday 4th February, 2022

WoD - Friday 4th February, 2022

Get your A game on the go for our birthday tomorrow! 11 years since I was attempting to assemble two krypton factor GHDs at 3am ready for a 9am opening. I wonder if the “spare” bolts are still in the bushes where I put them for safe keeping?! 😉

Lots has changed in 11 years, bonkers to think that we have been open and operating that long, despite all the bullshit we’ve dealt with along the way.
We shall celebrate in style hey!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 rounds for time:
5 Shoulder to overhead (60/40kg)
7 Pull ups
30 Double unders

Times up to the board please legends…

WoD - Monday 17th February, 2020

WoD - Monday 17th February, 2020

What better way is there to spend valentines weekend then throwing down with a bunch of your buddies?! Hell of a day that. Thank you all for showing your support and giving both those workouts and the walkabout dance floor a good thrashing!
The 10 year celebration is going to be something else!

Please see below for possibly the greatest picture that Sash Shots has ever taken.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time: 
30 Ring muscle ups
60 Dumbbell overhead squat (50/35lbs)*

* 30 reps can be split per arm as athletes see fit.

Times up on the board please…

Met Con

5 Rounds each for time: 
Sprint 200m
Rest 6 minutes between efforts 

Oppo Catch.JPG

9 Year Throwdown

9 Year Throwdown

Okay okay, some info for you lovelies. Well done, you have managed to survive the communication black out with only texting/emailing/DMing/carrier pigeoning me into an oblivion for the past few days!

All is to be revealed

The Intention
We are going to have a seriously FUN and very CHILLED out day of team fitness. Teams will be decided by us, at random and allocated at the briefing tomorrow (timings below). The events will run one after the other, with a “scoreboard” placed on the whiteboard and loosely updated as the day goes on.
There will be no prizes, presentations or podiums because…we do not give a f**k…it’s a FUN and very CHILLED day of fitness.

The adult exercise will be followed by drunkenness. In various forms and loosely coordinated by our two, newly appointed Social Hand grenades. Kirsty “I will drink until my trousers fall off” Lightowler and Cath “I get Splott drunk” Knapton. Please look to them for any after circular activities.

The Timings

The Workouts

Workout One
’Fight Gone Bad’
Three rounds of:
Wall ball shots (20/14lbs) (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high pull (35/25kg) (Reps)
Box jump (20") (Reps)
Push press, (35/25kg) (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Workout Two

Within 2mins 
25/20 Assault Bike Calories 
1 RM Snatch
Within 1min
20/15 Assault Bike Calories
1RM Clean & Jerk
All team mates go. 1 x male and 1 x female barbell. Remainder of the team can load. As many attempts can be made during the designated time.
15min rolling clock

Workout Three

5 Rounds for time of:
20 Synchro toes to bar
20 Synchro burpees
10/15/20/25/30 Sandbag cleans (50/35kg) 

Teams must switch a minimum of one athlete per round
For example:
R1: Al & Davs (10 Sandbag Cleans)
R2: Ash & Suller (15 Sandbag Cleans)
R3: Joey & Davs (20 Sandbag Cleans)
R4: Al & Ash (25 Sandbag Cleans)
R5: Joey & Suller (30 Sandbag Cleans)

Workout Four

For time:
Run 400m (team must carry the deadlift barbell for the run)*
450 Double Unders
100 Partner Deadlifts
75 Overhead Squat*
75 Partner Deadlifts
50 Overhead Squat
50 Partner Deadlifts
25 Overhead Squat
450 Double Unders
Run 400m

Deadlift (100kg)
Overhead Squat (50/35kg)
*overhead squat split between athletes as needed

See you legends tomorrow.

PHOTO-2019-02-10-13-09-25 2.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 18th September, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 18th September, 2019

Done and dusted! Two days of utter chaos (controlled) with 168 athletes competing across two days at Reebok CrossFit Cardiff.

Thank you for your flexibility with the class timings. Everything is back to normal and you can expect an utterly disgusting sandbag workout any day soon!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
20 Dumbbell Snatch (R)
20 Dumbbell Thruster (L)
50 Dumbbell Box Step ups (20”)
20 Dumbbell Snatch (L)
20 Dumbbell Thruster (R)

DB recommended loading at 50/35


WoD - Thursday 24th January, 2019

WoD - Thursday 24th January, 2019

The week is nearly amongst us, but so is the month. Meaning two things…

  1. Your arses are nearly mine!

  2. The Box birthday party is soon upon us. Be sure to get over to the Facebook members page to check out the details. If you are too cool for Facebook, then…just make sure you are available from 12:00 - 23:59 (ish) on Saturday, February the 9th. We have a MAAAHUSIVE team Throwdown planned, along with after hours actives. Bring a dish of choice (all Vegan options will be frowned upon), and if you don’t like BrewDog, a bottle.

Now then. The last but one addition of Ashwell’s onslaught, maybe he is attempting a cull, you can beat the Ginger Ninja though, I know you can!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible, within 20 minutes of:
Run 200m
5-10-15-20-25 etc ...
Shoulder to overhead (60/40kg)
1 Rope Climb

Shake out the old forearms and get your rounds up on the whiteboard…

Brooke RC.jpg

WoD - Thursday 9h August, 2018

WoD - Thursday 9h August, 2018

How are the famous Monkey Butts? A bet there have been a few tears in the showers since yesterday! is some information about next week. Things are pretty simple and so I am going to do it in bullet (easy to follow) fashion. 

  • Get a buddy volunteer buddy, maybe more than one. If none volunteer then voluntell!!
  • Email Davs at to let him know who they are and he will get in touch.
  • Bring them along to any class, between the dates of August 13th - August 17th.
  • Get them excited about Friday the 17th, as we have a mini team throwdown to complete the fun.
  • Relish in the fact that you have given your newly made best friend a seriously cool new hobby. 

    An event has been painstakingly created by Conner's the Facebook ninja on the members group. Get yourself onto it for more info: click right here

Timings for said Friday, should you be as technophobic as I:
Open gym: 15:00 - 18:00 (NO 17:00 CLASS)
Super fun, team throwdown: 18:00 - FINISH@ BEER O'CLOCK

Anyway, back to it...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For 3 rounds:
Within 3 minutes:
Row 750m
In remaining time max effort wall balls (20/14lbs)
Rest 6 minutes

Bring a buddy.jpg