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WoD - Tuesday 21st May, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 21st May, 2019

Some serious compliments have been thrown about today, all directed at the two legends who orchestrated the now internet famous (certainly local social media) CrossFit Cardiff Threedown, not least one very excited Yoga teacher stating that “they could’ve ruled the world Davs!” Now, that is a seriously needed task that I’m sure they would both excel in.

It’s time for Hannah to take her bow. Not only has she be the co-organiser of CrossFit Cardiff’s inaugural open house throwdown, but she has managed to survive the incessant badgering of her comrade in arms. A feat in itself, and one that should be applauded publicly! 😉

And, if that is not enough, every single social media post’s artwork was in fact designed, and created by this “hot piece of ass” and even on one occasion to be placed at a higher order than the highly addictive and unbelievable complicated final season of Game Of Thrones! GOT for short!

All in favour of Hannah become co-ruler of the world please comment below: “hot piece of ass with a flare for design!” And don’t worry, I will refrain from breaking your legs for talking about my love in such a way! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time:
27 - 21 - 15 - 9
Hang Power cleans (60/40kg)
Burpees Over The Bar

If your lungs stop bleeding before the next class, please write your times up on the whiteboard…
