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WoD - Friday 26th August, 2022

WoD - Friday 26th August, 2022

Here’s me hoping that you all have that Friday feeling! What you are more likely to be feeling is the need to hold your hand up and wave a white flag, that is also ok!

Remember please, Monday is a bank holiday with the hours are below:
WoD: 09:00 - 10:00
WoD: 10:00 - 11:00
Open gym: 11:00 - 12:00

Enjoy your weekend lovelies!!!

Programmed by the sadistic prick who is Dave Castro, you know this workout is going to be good.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 15 minutes complete as many rounds and reps of:
50ft walking lunge
15 Press ups
Wear a weighted vest throughout or carry a dumbbell anyhow for the lunges only.

WoD - Wednesday 14th March, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 14th March, 2018

No long now...the summer months are coming! No more use of hats and gloves, multiple hoodies and longs, they are soon to be packed right away! As is the winter duvet! Get that sucker gone until next January! 

In another little twist of routine, we are hosting a Friday night lights event this coming Friday, especially for 18.4. Heats will be running throughout the evening, but please arrive for the usually scheduled class times. Athletes will farm through the workout which, is perfectly obviously going to contain wall balls...made obvious from the latest "clue" put forward by the man himself...


In yet another twist, we see a "partner" workout programmed tomorrow! Great times hey?! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within 2mins, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 
20 TTB
15/12 Cal Assault bike
Max reps Kettlebell Farmers carry 10m shuttles (2 x 32/24kg) (1 x 10m length equals 1 rep.) 
Repeat in a you go, I go fashion for 10 total rounds. 

Please post total reps to comments... 

Ash is going to get a visit from the big boss

Ash is going to get a visit from the big boss