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WoD - Monday 8th April, 2024

WoD - Monday 8th April, 2024

Happy Monday… until you see the workout. This piece of savagery was stolen/borrowed from… the mothership! Therefore you have them almost entirely to blame! I did it a couple of weeks ago at CrossFit 179 (if you’ve never heard of the place, do your very best to go) in a class coached by Jonny Davies. Meaning that I have even less responsibility for what is about to come your way.

None of that though means that I am not sorry… SORRY!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Tabata Barbell
Tabata deadlift (80/60kg)
Tabata hang power clean (60/40kg)
Tabata front squat (40/30kg)
Tabata push press (30/25kg)
Rest for 1 minute between tabatas

A tabata interval is 20 second on, 10 off. Repeated for 8 rounds. Your score is the total repetitions completed within the 32 intervals.


WoD - Wednesday 28th June, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 28th June, 2023

Now then, I have a very special surprise for you all tomorrow.

The first part of your workout does not look a lot but juuuuuuuust you wait. Originally programmed by Dave Castro for the CrossFit HQ seminar staff summit back in 2018 I think. Where typically we would’ve had a shit ton of equipment and more time, Dave would test (unbeknownst to us) games team workouts on us at this event.
This particular year we had bugger all time due to a guess speaker and so the PVC pipes came out.

Now the “rest” period was in the bottom of the overhead squat, and active, attempting to keep technique as good looking as possible… it hurt and man are we going to have fun!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Tabata bottom to bottom overhead squat

B: 5 Rounds, each for time:
20/18 Calorie assault bike
15/12 Calorie row
Rest 4 mins between rounds

WoD - Tuesday 20th July, 2021

WoD - Tuesday 20th July, 2021

You have got to resist the urge to be British, do not complain about this beautiful weather that we are having! Embrace it, don’t wear clothes that will show massive sweat patches, or…just own them!
Be prepared, everywhere you go, go with copious amounts of deodorant (or just own the stench!). Drink iced coffee’s, whatever it takes, just stay chilled!

What definitely will not help is tomorrow’s workout, but…it will make you fit…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For Total Reps:
Tabata: 8 Rounds of 20s on and 10s off
Assault Bike Cals
Ab mat sit-ups

Complete a full tabata on each movement, resting for 1 minute before moving on.

Add all scores together and pop on the board before you melt…

Work through the following complex, maintaining load with the goal to add weekly.

Snatch Complex
Snatch grip deadlift - Hang snatch - Snatch

Hip extensions
10 - 10 - 10 - 10

PHOTO-2020-02-18-22-52-21 3.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 4th March, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 4th March, 2020

Happy hump day team. And what a treat we have for you later, as per another yet last reminder, remember two key factors

  1. Zoe Harcombe is lecturing at the box in the evening!

  2. Class times are as follow:

    16:00 - WoD Class
    17:00 - WoD Class


We will accept thanks in copious bars of 85% or above dark chocolate. DO IT!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back rack walking lunges
8 - 8 - 8 - 8

Write loads for all sets up on the whiteboard please…


Tabata - 20s on 10s off: 
Double unders
Down ups

Rest 1 minute between each movement

Record the lowest score for each movement on the whiteboard…


WoD - Monday 29th October, 2018

WoD - Monday 29th October, 2018

Well then, you lot are awesome hey?! Not that I am surprised, but it looks as if you had a kick ass day yesterday! I was watching the IG stories when I could, and catching up on them afterwards when I couldn’t. Amazing to see the amount of amazing performances, especially considering that you were all dressed in attire which definitely does not make it easy to snatch. It’s a good job Conroy had something on underneath his pumpkin dress!
A particular favourite (surprise, surprise), was Aris and his team’s demise following an assault bike calorie sprint or 150. Still, in true Greek style, once some beer had been consumed he was back to his normal folk dancing self! Legit and he may well now be dubbed…”Snake Hips!”

I just have one question…what the hell does The Mask have to do with Halloween?

Welcome to another week, what better way to begin than with a cheeky number from…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Tabata Push Jerk
Rest 3 minutes
Tabata Chest To Bar Pull Up
Rest 3 minutes
Tabata Press Up
Rest 3 minutes
Tabata Hang Power Snatch

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.

Bars loaded at 40/30kg

Please write total reps per movement to the whiteboard…
