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Summer's coming

WoD - Tuesday 14th April, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 14th April, 2020

Hello hello, now stop slacking and get back to work! At home in iso of course. And, grab a break to warm up through a devilish wee time, dedicated to getting your squeeze on!
Whether still confined or not…the summer is still coming.

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

3 sets for quality and the burn of:
1 Minute hollow hold
10 side bends (lowering for 5 seconds)
45 second adductor side plank

Warm up
The Finnish warm up (look back to last week)
4 Rounds of 20s on, 10 off.

Tabata bottom to bottom front squats
8 Rounds for max reps:
20 seconds on
10 off (spent at the bottom of an active front squat)
Loading: PVC pipe, broomstick, mop handle. Trust me, that’s all you need.

pen y fan.jpg

WoD - Thursday 9th April, 2020

WoD - Thursday 9th April, 2020

Well this is going to be a funny Easter bank holiday hey, one you will remember for a long time! One where there were restrictions on the amount of Easter Eggs that you could buy, and tons on the shelves, and no restrictions on actual eggs…couldn’t find them anywhere!

Let’s hope it is the last! Training at home is fun though, when the camera records that is!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Within 9mins complete as many rounds and reps of: 
15 seconds L-sit hold (Scale to one leg extended, a tuck or a hollow hold in order to maintain 15s unbroken)
30 Walking lunges (in place is also fine)
15 Glute bridges 
30 Walking lunges

Warm up
Within 5 minutes, move through a slow AMRAP of:
60 High knees (30 each leg)
30 Walking lunges
15 Hollow rocks

Easter eggs.jpg

WoD - Tuesday 25th February, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 25th February, 2020

Now that your shoulders and pecs are ready for the summer (it’s coming), we need to get your abs and butt sorted…eeeeasy! All you have to do is squat clean some heavy barbells and wait for the ab swelling to go down, a few days after a gnarly GHD sit up workout.

And, luckily for you lovely lot…we’ve got your backs, just ignore the running…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
Run 800m 
20 Squat cleans (40/30kg)
20 GHD Sit ups
Run 600m
15 Squat cleans (60/40kg)
15 GHD Sit ups
Run 400m 
10 Squat cleans (80/55kg)
10 GHD Sit ups
Run 200m 
5 Squat clean (100/75kg)
5 GHD Sit ups

Get those score up on the whiteboard please team…

Met Con

For 2 total rounds, complete as many rounds and reps as possible, within 5 minutes of:
25 Double unders 
10 Burpees
Rest 5 between rounds

Apologies that this was missing yesterday, my bad, I was in a hurry and forgot. Anyway, please post your scores to the whiteboard…
