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WoD - Friday 30th December, 2018

WoD - Friday 30th December, 2018

In bed at 18:50 on any night...congratulations Suller, you’ve given me Rhabdo!  

Tomorrow we tackle a workout designed by a loving father, for his son. And how cool is it going to be when one day they do it together?! I’ll keep ‘Finley’ in the bag for another day! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

7 Rounds for time of:
7 Cleans (60/40kg)
7 Shoulder To Overhead (60/40kg) 
20 Box Jumps (24/20”) 
18 Toes To Bar

Please write completed times to the whiteboard...


Lock up your daughters, Finners is in town!

WoD - Thursday 5th July, 2018

WoD - Thursday 5th July, 2018

Now then, wasn't that a sweaty mess?! Who would've thought that 105 burpees could cause such a state?! 
As I said to the kick ass 09:30 class, it's Suller's week so you have him to blame. Go easy on the dude though, because soon enough he is due to be a dad. And I genuinely struggle to think of a person who is more ready and better suited for the task! That little one will not be a CrossFit Games champion one day (the year 2043, I'm gonna put a Paul McKenner on it at the local Ladbrooks), but be a humble, selfless and unconditionally generous legend while collecting his medal...just like his Dad! He just might have some trouble keeping his heels down! 

Show your love for a legit trainer, I guarantee his short absence will be missed! If someone could please leave the South Africa mug, in random places about the gym, on a daily basis that would be great! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 20 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
4 Handstand Push Ups
8 Toes To Bar
16 Air Squats

Please post your Suller loving rounds and reps to the whiteboard...

He leaves that f**king thing literally anywhere!! 

He leaves that f**king thing literally anywhere!!