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WoD - Thursday 26th September, 2019

WoD - Thursday 26th September, 2019

Well that left a mark hey?! Everyone just loves an ASS bike sprint! I told you we had a special treat for hump day, now the rest of the week will be breezy as a result!

Now I’m sure it was merely the lasting effect of said workout, likely specifically the ass bike, but it appear to render some folk entirely incapable of normal thought or function. Particularly, Mairead, she was all over life once time had been called. Running around as if nothing had happened, returning equipment with ease and cycling off into the sunrise singing happily.

Everyone loves an ass bike, but not as much as a sandbag

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

For 2 rounds:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 4 minutes of:
Run 400m 
Max Sandbag over shoulder

Rest 4 mins

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 4 minutes of: 
Run 400m
Max burpees over sandbag

Rest 4 mins prior to repeating

One person is to be working at any one time.
