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WoD - Tuesday 23rd April, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 23rd April, 2019

Sorry it’s late, but it’s here! I have been enjoying some of the sunshine on my day off for the bank holiday. Motorbikes, puppies, special Easter cake (whatever the hell it was called - the one that would’ve had Judas on but he was a bit of a dick), kick arsed BBQ’s and Brewdog. If Carlsberg made Bank Holiday Monday’s…

HanBane is after you again with a workout borrowed from CrossFit Linchpin. Which means that you are all buggered…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Linchpin 30.3.2019
3 Rounds For Time: (strict)
20 Pull-Ups
20 Ring Dips
20 Toes To Bar
30 Med Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)

Get your backsides back to the gym, hit the ground running….


WoD - Wednesday 20th March, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 20th March, 2019

Anyone want to see something insanely impressive…yep…well click on the link below. Many of you attacked 19.4 like a bulldog in a china shop, but unfortunately were not able to edge out Mat Fraser, the fittest man on the planet.
Now this is the problem with people like this…they make it look so fracking easy it lulls you firmly into a false sense of security. There’s no need to question how he was much faster, as it’s obvious, he lands his last burpee directly in his set up position for a snatch and rips the bar off the floor as if it’s a PVC pipe and he’s pissed at it…and…you did not! 😉

Anyway. Back to the real world and the weeks training. 19.5 is a coming and we need to get fit!! Good luck!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds For Time:
5 Strict Handstand Push Ups
10 Kipping Handstand Push Ups
15 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
30 Double Unders

If you are able to elevate your arms to the level of the whiteboard that your name is written on, then please pop your time next to it…
