March…when did that happen?! Should history recent repeat itself, rather than excited welcome the spring, we should be having a shit load of snow any day now!
I hope you have been unphased by the latest storm to hit our coast and give the Coronavirus sporting Swansea a wide berth.
Enough of what isn’t cool and more of what is…Zoë Harcombe is lecturing at the gym on Wednesday! I know I have banged on about this a lot but it is for two very good reasons:
1. She is a legitimate legend in her field, so highly respected within CrossFit that Greg Glassman himself invites her to their events. It was actually Greg who introduced us to begin with.
2. Someone is going to f**k up the timings and arrive for the not existent 7pm class…do NOT do it! Timings below and are on the whiteboard…
Wednesday Evening
16:00: WoD Class
17:00: WoD Class
18:00: All fitness actives cease to allow for set up
18:30: Zoe to take the floor - she LOVES 85% plus dark chocolate.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 Rounds for max reps of:
90 secs on 90 secs off
5 Hang squat cleans (70/50kg)
10 Calories assault bike
Max Rep Burpees
Get those burpee reps up on the whiteboard…
5 Rounds For Time:
10 Sandbag over shoulder
1 Length gym walking lunge
10 Sandbags over shoulder
2 Length gym bear crawl
Times, same deal please team…