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WoD - Monday 27th January, 2020

WoD - Monday 27th January, 2020

Be extremely careful when coming to the gym please all, we have some stalkers in our midst. Cutting about with sweaty palms and lunchboxes full of soggy sandwiches, waiting for the right time to get an awkward selfie, secretly sniffing your hair as they do!
A very bizarre bunch of characters who are essentially good people, but just need some help, a little bit of love and to be told everything is going to be ok.
Support from the normal people amongst you is what is going to get them through these troubled time!

They also need some significant help in taking said selfies…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 3RM Bench Press*

B: For time:
150 Med Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)

*Perform within 5 sets of increasing weight
