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Running in mental

WoD - Thursday 1st April, 2021

WoD - Thursday 1st April, 2021

So, any April fools banter will be highly appreciated thank you please. I will be standing by and waiting for the goods!

Hump day is out of the way and we are a downward spiral to the 4 day, bank holiday, hopefully sunny AF weekend! 
Very very exciting! 
My guess is there will be at least 785,325,126 burnt sausages being covered in ketchup this Saturday evening!

Thanks to 179 CrossFit for another humdinger of a virtual sesh (it’s not actually happened yet, in an hour), see you good f**kers next week!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Each distance for time:
Run 1 mile
Rest 6 minutes
Run 800m
Rest 4 minutes
Run 400m

Go full on Gump and get it done in the sun!
