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Running backwards is mental

WoD - Tuesday 27th April, 2021

WoD - Tuesday 27th April, 2021

The classes for next week will be essentially as it was prior to lockdown (this time). The only difference being that Monday 3rd is a bank holiday and I will therefore be holding 3 classes during the day. These will technically outdoor classes so that we can facilitate 30 folk, however, equipment will be used.
Basically a partner WoD where you don’t ever really see your partner! 😉

If you have already booked onto a class on Monday, sorry!

Bank Holiday Monday Hours
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00

Thank you to those of you have already brought it back. If you haven’t gotten around to it yet, please do so before or after a class that you attend this week.
I need for it to be fully returned by Friday, at the very latest.

The membership for May will be half price. Following that, and so long as Drakeford doesn't actually win the election and lock us all back up again, will move back to normal.

Normality is on the horizon and fingers crossed we will all be absolutely smashed drunk on the first Xmas doo in two years very, very soon!

Lastly, and I am kind of sorry for tomorrow’s workout, but also keen to know how your legs feel on Wednesday. The last time I did a 400m lunge was about 15mins after I had fractured my finger, for obvious reasons!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
Run 200m backwards
400m walking lunges
Run 200m backwards

Junk yard dog.jpg