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Running Is Mental

WoD - Tuesday 11th June, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 11th June, 2019

What did the news say, a month worth of rain is due to fall within a six hour window? Wonderful hey?! Well at least that should mean we are done with it all for the next month? Is that how it works? I seriously hope so!
Speaking of wet weather, not too keen on playing rugby in the rain are you? This Saturday saw a ginormous amount of tactical withdrawals of ball emoji comments, just as soon as the weather forecast was announced.
Well well, all I can say is shame on you, you sun worshipping, wet weather fairies! All the rain really does is make that bacon taste better anyhow!

Lets hope that it clears up in time for tomorrow, 😬…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
Run 1 mile
5 Power Clean & Push Jerk (60/40kg)
Run 800m
10 Power Clean & Push Jerk (60/40kg)
Run 400m
15 Power Clean & Push Jerk (60/40kg)
Run 200m
20 Power Clean & Push Jerk (60/40kg)

Place your slightly moist times to the whiteboard…

Rain run.png

WoD - Thursday 30th May, 2019

WoD - Thursday 30th May, 2019

I’m starting to think that you lot did something wrong when you tested your last “1 Rep Max” back squat. As, when Xiaowen decides to pause at the bottom of his last rep of 4s, on the final set, before standing it up and saying that that was his 1RM I call BULLSHIT!! 😉

It might also be as a result of Melski now working at Welsh Water, maybe she has somehow inserted so PIDs into the flow, big help for you guys and without the associated guilt…what a legend!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
30 - 20 - 10
300m - 200m - 100m
3 - 2 - 1 reps of:
Dumbbell Hang Snatch (50/35lbs)
Rope Climbs

Melski Rope.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 13th June, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 13th June, 2018

I need to make you aware of something, highly aware, this is no joke...

Ash is beginning the ketogenic diet. Now for those of you who are unsure, this means that he will be purposefully eating very few carbs. And for those of you who are unaware, that is a big thing for the ginger ninja. Normally, Ash wakes, sometimes in the morning but mostly after the remainder of us have been awake for hours, and his very first port of call is some kind of ginormously carb heavy breakfast; followed by his carb overdose x2 during his second breakfast!
The "keto" diet aims to convert your body from using readily available glucose and glycogen as it's first port of call for "energy" to fat. The process can be uncomfortable, I suppose you could liken it to what happens to Bruce Banner when he gets angry! 

The entire point of this waffle is merely warn you of any unusual behaviour. There is however, no need to worry. All you have to do is to let me know that you suspect some sort of behavioural change, anything at all, and I shall act in everyones best interest and...lock Ash in the stationary cupboard! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Nasty Nancy
For time
25 Overhead Squat (30/25kg)
Run 200m
20 Overhead Squat (40/030kg)
Run 400m
15 Overhead Squat (50/35kg)
Run 600m
10 Overhead Squat (60/40kg)
Run 800m
5 Overhead Squat (70/45kg)
Run 1km

If you survive then be proud of the fact and demonstrate so by writing your times on the whiteboard...

The Hulk used to scare the crap out of me when I was a kid! 

The Hulk used to scare the crap out of me when I was a kid!