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WoD - Thursday 3rd February, 2022

WoD - Thursday 3rd February, 2022

We are nearly there… a week of Dav’s programming. I teased a couple of you thinking that you would be getting brutalised this week, I was wrong.

It’s a coming! Look out!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
13 Squat cleans (40/30kg)
200m Run
11 Squat cleans (50/37.5kg)
200m Run
9 Squat cleans (60/45kg)
200m Run
7 Squat cleans (70/52.5kg)
200m Run
5 Squat cleans (80/60kg)
200m Run
3 Squat cleans (90/67.5kg)
200m Run
1 Squat clean (100/75kg)
200m run

Chest to bar

3 Sets
5 - 10 Kipping chest to bar pull-ups

3 Sets
5 Strict chest to bar pull ups 3 0 1 tempo
10 Banded pull down
10 Straight arm ring rows

3 Sets
1 length plate pinch carry - heavy
30s Hollow hold
8 - 10 Pronated barbell rows - focus on range of motion