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WoD - Wednesday 29th August, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 29th August, 2018

The "Embers" are fast approaching and we are all praying for an Indian summer. As we have already mentioned, September will see the gym embarking on a month of hero workouts, all designed for Royal Marines killed in the latest Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns. 

I will be releasing further details of this month, including the charity event set for the final weekend on tomorrow's post, so be sure that you have a look. 

Back to this week though however and Ash continues his full frontal assault:

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

'Naughty Nancy'
4 rounds for time:
Run 600m
25 Overhead Squats (140/95lbs)

Please write time to the whiteboard, if you have done this workout previously...then good luck! 

Maughty nancy.jpg