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Row Cals

WoD - Tuesday 31st October, 2017

If anyone finds Conroy's spine at the gym could you either hand it in at reception or leave it in the lost and found box please? 

The box was absolutely pumping for the re-run of 17.1; PBs flying about everywhere! I hope it continues throughout the week, I'll just adjust the movements for all the workouts so that you don't need to tie your shoelaces.

Comment on the Facebook post if you were one of those who smashed your previous time! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
25/20 Cal Assault Bike
50 TTB
25/20 Cal Row
50 TTB
25/20 Cal Assault Bike. 

Please post times to the whiteboard...

Accessory Program

Squat: Session

Goblet squat with plate (ideally 5kg or less weight than you used in the third week) - 2 sets x 5 reps (10s down, 1s pause at the bottom and a fast ascent)

Single leg touchdown progressions - 4 sets x 5 reps on 4x20kg plates stacked

2.1. After sets 1 and 2 perform a banded ankle stretch with a kettlebell - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)

2.2. After sets 3 and 4 perform a calf stretch on a plate - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)


WoD - Tuesday 1st August, 2017

I don't have much to say tonight, apart from...SURPRISE...

"I thought I was going to simultaneously puke, shit myself and pass out...luckily I just puked!"
Ash, July 31st, 2017

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Each set is a max effort sprint, and is for time:
20/15 Cal Assault Bike
Rest 3mins
20/15 Cal Rower
Rest 3mins

Repeat for 3 rounds...

If you survive, please post times to the whiteboard...

WoD - Monday 6th February 2017

Happy Birthday CrossFit Cardiff! 

Six years ago today, the doors of CrossFit Cardiff opened the doors for the first time. At 9:30am, on a rainy Saturday morning, approximately five hours after throwing the 'spare' nuts and bolts from the newly assembled GHDs into the bush opposite, the first members of our family walked over the threshold; excited to see the new fad, taught by two young (younger) guys, still wet behind the ears, desperate for sleep. 

The small yet perfectly formed ice box of fitness was bouncing within minutes. Nervous looking legends who had traveled from as far as Leeds warmed up ready to tackle 'Fight Gone Bad'; my first ever CrossFit workout. 
For hours, heats came and went. PB's and sweat flying every where and just think...we didn't even have a sign... 

Since that day, I have made more mistakes then I can remember. Regardless, soon enough something had to change...

And thanks to an amazing family we opened the doors without anyone dying and only having to cancel one class...

And now, it is just a normal part of your lives. Here's to another six years of thrusters, burpees, drunken escapades and hang overs. Post Xmas Doo embarrassed faces but definitely NOT anymore Reebok CrossFit "Games" hot tub parties.

Thank you to everyone for your support over the years.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds each for time of:
Row 40cals
Rest 2mins
Run 400m
Rest 2mins

Add the 400m run time to the time taken to row 40cals for a total time. Repeat each round. Please post times to the whiteboard...