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Push jerk

WoD - Thursday 5th January, 2023

WoD - Thursday 5th January, 2023

A high volume of bar muscle ups and heavy (relatively) deadlifts, and all of it following a few slack weeks at Xmas, I can only imagine you are sore. That’s ok, just chill and get back into things slowly.
The 2023 goals don’t have to be ticked off in January! You see what old age does to you, makes you soft! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 10 minutes, set a 1 rep max strict press
Within 10 minutes set a 3 rep max push press
Within 10 minutes set a 5 rep max push jerk

A: 5 sets of 3 box jumps for max height

B: 5 sets of:
1 Clean and jerk
Rest 20s
1 Clean and jerk