Viewing entries tagged
Puppy Dog eyes

WoD - Friday 7th December, 2018

WoD - Friday 7th December, 2018


The new gym dog is coming! He nearly has his eyes open and therefore it won’t be long before he’s woofing at you to “open your hips Jimi…” or “kip the f**king dip!

Please, don’t be confused with the floppy ears, the apparent drunk gait or the his ginormous puppy dog eyes…he will be a trained killer! Once the word is out, no longer will rampant couples consider using the only, brilliantly illuminated car park on the estate to perform their sordid deeds; in fear of becoming the recipients of a significant licking!

Ladies, scroll down, but at your own peril as “Oppo” is a fearless, ruthless heartbreaker! He will pummel your love pumps until they ache with desire.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 11 minutes of

10 Hang Squat Snatch (40/30kg)
10 GHD Sit Ups

Please write your total rounds and partial ab crunching reps to the whiteboard…
