Viewing entries tagged
Pull Up

WoD - Wednesday 27th March, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 27th March, 2019

What an amazing day for getting your butts out in the sunshine, hanging out (maybe with your wangers out) but definitely on cool things like motorbikes, or in (or outside) CrossFit gyms playing with rugby balls, spike balls or maybe a dude of a puppy!?
Obviously after you have smashed the living hell out of yourselves with a workout of course. And what better than to do one named after one of your all time favourite folk?

Now I could spend a significant amount of time waffling on about how much of a stud Hannah is, but none of you really have a spare few hours to read it all.
She’s cool, hot as hell, loves people and helping them, kicks butt on open workouts and can make a pretty decent cup of tea! You all love her, but likely a little less after this…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
30 - 20 - 10
10 - 20 - 30
Pull ups
Power clean (50/35kg)

Stagger over to the whiteboard and record your blistering scores with your blistered hands…

I’m sure Conroy has a “better” picture of Han somewhere

I’m sure Conroy has a “better” picture of Han somewhere

WoD - Tuesday 26th February, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 26th February, 2019

So, Angolan is about one million degrees centigrade, the people are super friendly, CrossFit down there is alive and kicking, the local population of Luanda are fumigated against mosquitos on a daily basis - at around 5pm - and the government is corrupt as hell! Cracking place!

Back into a not so hot, but far sunnier Cardiff and a week of pain and misery (I mean fun workouts) has already begun. Oppo has been jabbed up to his eyeballs the poor bugger, and so as a result is now free to roam around his territory. Basically attempting to find the largest stick in the land.

Now then, a little bit of house keeping for those not on FB. Please, please, ensure that you have uploaded your 19.1 scores to the games site by 10pm (cutoff), so that I can validate them and pass the f**k out following 20 hours of travel! Then…get excited about 19.2!!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Pull - ups

A cheeky bit of push and pull, getting your sexy bodies ready for the summer months. Whack those scores on the whiteboard please…


WoD - Tuesday 11th December, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 11th December, 2018

This is the start of some pretty cool stuff. Below is a letter to you all. Please take the time to read it, I am a Former Marine but it shouldn’t be too bad…I hope…

A letter to you legends,

I hope you are all well and enjoying the festive period. The build up to Xmas is firmly in hand, and I bet some of you have suffered hang overs already as a result… maybe even eaten a mince pie or ten?!

We have had a great year at CrossFit Cardiff, with loads of love, laughter, and of course… beer.

The year kicked off with a cool twist to the open. Team Green were just testing the water, and warming up ready for a pasting next year. We also had a bizarrely snowy April. Ashwell braved the blizzards to ensure that the gym remained open, for you to chase your gains.

Speaking of Ashwell, what a year for that dude. He studied hard for a qualification which has risen him up to the dizzy heights of a CrossFit Level 3 Trainer. An impressive feat! This consolidates CrossFit Cardiff as the only gym in Wales with more than one trainer of this status.

September was a seriously cool month, all evolving from a coaches brainstorming meeting, which may, or may not have, involved alcohol. The result; a month dedicated to the lives of others, causing you to demonstrate significant resolve and commitment during each workout, especially with the culmination of the month, 633. That day, and specifically the last rep, will become a lasting memory of mine. Never have I been more proud of you all.

Soon enough, the year will come to a close with the infamous CrossFit Cardiff Xmas party! If this is your first year then look out!

So, 2019…

You may remember that earlier in the year, we conducted a survey to obtain feedback about the services that we offer you. And, as a result, we will be releasing some exciting news in the coming days, which will take effect in the new year.

However, we have a problem. A good problem. The success of the box this year has required the business to register for VAT. This means that all gym earnings, whether it be a membership payment, a foundations course or even a bottle of water, we are now required to pay 20% of it all to the government. At least the beer is still free though! ;-)

In February 2019, we will have been open for eight years, having increased our prices just once in that period. However, as a result of the tax, I am genuinely sorry to say, I will have to increase membership prices going into 2019. The increase will be by 10%.

For clarity, should you be on an unlimited membership, you will pay an additional £6 monthly.

The increase will be timed with the initiation of our new ventures on January 7th. Meaning that you will all get the month of January as a buffer to get over the dreaded Xmas spend. 

We want you to feel like you are getting something back as compensation for the extra cost, so during the month of December, we will be announcing some additions to the CrossFit Cardiff timetable. Classes that many of you mentioned in your survey feedback. Keep an eye on social media for the exciting new opportunities coming your way in 2019.

Over the last eight years, CrossFit Cardiff has had such a positive effect on so many people. I have genuinely fallen in love with it. But, it is an industrial unit, nothing more. What makes it what it is, is you. The most caring and selfless characters around, you all truly embody the CrossFit Community and the CrossFit spirit.

Should you have any questions then please feel free to message, talk, email. I would be happy to help.

Have a wonderful Christmas and an even better New Year.

Love Davs.   

Anyway, back to the week and the build up to what is set to be a hell of an Xmas doo.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Bench Press
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
Strict Pull Ups
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5

These sets are to be performed as a superset. If that makes no sense to you, then simply ask Ash, the body building, bicep curling, ginger ninja!
Please post loads to the whiteboard…
