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WoD - Boxing Day Bank Holiday

WoD - Boxing Day Bank Holiday

Evening all! Here’s to hoping that you guys are all at least not drunk, but possibly hung over. And if you are still drunk and not yet hung over…that it is kind to you when it arrives.

Please, please, please, could I make one more request for you all to bring down your used and messed up trainers. I know that you all have spanking new nanos and metcons, and maybe even no bulls or inov8s…soon to be dazzling your neighbouring CrossFitter with their shininess. You don’t need the others, but we need to protest the hell out of these latest restrictions by using them.

I will be at the gym if any of you are able to drop them off, on New Years Eve at 09:30. And, at other times prior to that TBC.

Please help.

Anyway, this little number should blow any cobwebs away!

Class time
Zoom: 10:00am

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds, each for time:
12 Front squats
6 “Bar” facing burpees
12 Push press
6 “Bar” over burpees
12 Thrusters
6 Burpees
Rest 4 minutes between rounds

1 Barbell 50/35kg
2 Dumbbells 50/35lbs
1 Rucksack 20/15kg

Trainer Protest.JPG