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WoD - Tuesday 17th September, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 17th September, 2024

Today (depending on when you are reading this - Monday) marks the first day of the Megatron’s Firefighter training! She was taking it proper seriously and everything, fully prepared to take your cat’s lives into her hands! She even called over for some ironing lessons so that she looked uber smart!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 20 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Double kettlebell cleans (24/20kg)
15 Toes to bar
Run 400m

5 Sets
‘X’ rep bar muscle up
Rest 1:00 between sets
X = 10-20% of BMU test. Aim to get more reps than last week

5 Sets
6 - 12 Strict ring pull ups
6 - 12 Strict ring dips
Rest 1:00 - 1:30 between sets

3 Sets
6 - 12 Rotating toes to bar