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L-Sit Hold

WoD - Friday 19th July, 2019

WoD - Friday 19th July, 2019

Who’s got that Friday feeling? I know you lot all have, just can’t wait to get out of the office and to the gym where you can smash yourself into the ground for the first time (of many) this weekend.

Well if anything, tomorrow’s workout will get you ready for a fun filled weekend on the beach…in the rain! A challenging gymnastics based punch in the respective genital area, pumping you up just like Friday’s used to be like in the globe gym…chest and bi’s night!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds for time:
1 Min L-sit hold off dumbbells
20 GHD Sit Ups
10 Strict Handstand Push Ups

Scores up before you head out onto the town to flex your way through another Friday night…


WoD - Thursday 31st March 2016

Tough WoD today, good work on hammering through it. There were some awesome looking HSPUs and big leaps on load and improved movement with the cleans.

Push yourself, never be afraid to fail and turn the volume down on that little voice inside your head. Regularly do things that scare you. 

Now tomorrow...think like Mo

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A) 3 Rounds each for time:
Row 500m
Run 400m
Rest 5mins

B) 4 Rounds of:
20 Hip Extensions
30s L-Sit hold

Vanity corner for the up and coming summer months!

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