Viewing entries tagged
Kettlebell Swings

WoD - Friday 30th September, 2022

WoD - Friday 30th September, 2022

Last day of the month with 3 left of the year, bonkers!

More importantly, it is the last day of the week, allowing for a chilled and relaxing time, rather than savagery in Edinburgh. Unless you are headed that way of course.
Enjoy troops!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
2 Ring muscle ups
4 Handstand push ups
8 Kettlebell swings (32/24kg)

Good luck and remember to enjoy

WoD - Thursday 10th March, 2022

WoD - Thursday 10th March, 2022

It is chipper time and nearly 22.3 time! Whats the bet that that will be a chipper and with all of the same movements as tomorrow and Friday’s workouts?
High thats the chance. FFS!!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
Run 1 mile
75 Kettlebell swings (24/20kg)
50 Pull ups
25 Shoulder to overhead (60/40kg)

Go hard and attempt to keep everything to as fewer sets as possible…

Bar muscle up
A: Kipping Practice

B: Bar muscle up practice

C: Accessories
3 Sets
12 V - ups
10 Strict chest to bar
5 Russian dips

WoD - Thursday 7th November, 2019

WoD - Thursday 7th November, 2019

In 2012 I was judging at the first CrossFit Games Invitational in London, where Team USA went against Team Europe. The event was amazing, a bunch of the members came down to watch and a few of even managed to tag along to the after party, helping to drink the bar at the Marriott hotel dry. Even really fit people get really drunk!

In the days building up, I was having dinner with Dave Castro and he was telling a story of a regional event back in 2009. All events at regionals were independently programmed and Europe had the workout “Fat Helen”
Run 400m
21 Swings (32/24kg)
12 Chest to bar pull ups…

The winning time (it was a male, there were only two females there and neither could do a pull up (crazy right)) was 6:56!!
Now, for those of you who are unsure, if you got anything sub 7 with regular Helen you are amongst an elite group. Dave saw the time and said…”if that is legit, that guy will win the games”… and they did.
Mikko Salo!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

“Stacked Helen”
3 Rounds for time:
Run 800m
21 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
12 Chest To Bar Pull ups

See if you can get close to half of your regular Helen time and get the sucker up on the board…


WoD - Wednesday 11th September 2019

WoD - Wednesday 11th September 2019

A suicide bomber killed seven CIA officers and one Jordanian officer at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan on December 30, 2009 after posing as a potential informant reporting on Al Qaeda. Seven new stars will be etched onto the memorial wall at the CIA where every star represents grieving friends, family and colleagues dedicated to fight against the enemy, forever in their name.

Killed in the attack were CIA officers Jennifer Lynne Matthews, 45; Scott Michael Roberson, 39; Harold E. Brown Jr., 37; Darren LaBonte, 35; Elizabeth Hanson, 30; and security contractors Jeremy Jason Wise, 35, and Dane Clark Paresi, 46.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

"The Seven"

Seven rounds for time of:
7 Handstand Push Ups
7 Thruster (60/40kg)
7 Knees To Elbows
7 Deadlifts (110/75kg)
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
7 Pull Ups

This is a challenging workout, intentionally. There is a lot to get through during the warm up, yet the spirit is to go as hard as possible and deal with discomfort. Should you need to share a barbell, don’t stress, you will be glad of the rest.
There will be a time cap in place but I reckon that you will be ok with that.

Please get your times up on the board once completed.

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WoD - Thursday 25th July, 2019

WoD - Thursday 25th July, 2019

Yep, Monday and Tuesday’s workouts have definitely left their mark. I can feel this unusual pain in my legs, causing my face to screw up even before my eyes have opened, right after I utter the words…”man I love those assault bikes!”

Not to worry, for the rest of the week we can all come to class hold hands and simply sway, left to right, in a sort of protest, gently chanting “F**K you Davs, we are doing no more functional movement.”
Good luck biatches!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 20 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
Run 1 mile
8 Handstand Push Ups
10 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
12 GHD Sit Ups

Run once, not twice or three times. Get those slabs ready for the beach, just chuck your scores up before you go please…


WoD - Wednesday 24th April, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 24th April, 2019

Whoooooosh….did you see that?? Our summer, gone…is something a cynical prick might say! Not me though…I have faith in the Great British summertime! We will be enjoying cleaning melted on sausage fat from BBQ’s and applying aftersun lotion into highly embarrassing t-shirt tans for many months to come!
We just might have to get our nanos wet a couple more times before we do!

CrossFit Cardiff Team WoD

In a ‘you go, I go’ style, in teams of 3, complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 10 minutes of:
10 Cal Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
Max Double Unders*

*1 Athlete working through set
1 Athlete accumulating double unders 
1 Athlete resting

Each round is an all out sprint, get yourselves two buddies and proudly write up some lung busting scores.


WoD - Friday 22nd March, 2019

WoD - Friday 22nd March, 2019

This must be what the night before your wedding feels like, all tense and nervous. Waiting, wondering, contemplating what it is going to feel like, to walk rather down the aisle, but up to the barbell to bang out as many thrusters as Dave Castro wants you to. Unfricking lucky!

We all know that Castro just loves a thruster, and so we may as well love them too. Get excited, because you are going to do the workout whether you want to or not…and so false motivation is better than no motivation…

Just don’t be all “American” about it! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds Each for Time: 
20/15 Calorie Row
30 KBS (20/16kg)
20/15 Calorie Row 

Rest 3 mins between rounds

Holy movement redundancy Batman, nevermind that though, get your times up on the whiteboard…


WoD - Tuesday 5th March, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 5th March, 2019

The dust has settled and the scores have been counted. Get yourself to the leaderboard to see how you have done up against the best on the planet!

What an amazing turn out it was on Sunday night, I bet there weren’t many gym’s in Cardiff full of old age pensioners doing toes to bar at 7pm on God’s day of rest hey?!

Now we get back into the week, hitting each workout as hard as we can, creating the same intensity as you did for 19.2. Who can get a muscle up?

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle Ups
4 Handstand Push Ups
8 Kettlebell swings (32/24kg)

Please write completed rounds and reps to the whiteboard, in red if it is a PB…


WoD - Tuesday 29th January, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 29th January, 2019

It’s all fun and games until your puppy shits alice oover the plats hey?! No understanding of what I just said, that’s ok, you really don’t want to know! However, if you are ever intrigued and fancy just figuring out what the hell half these posts mean, then simply click here for a dictionary.

In any case, you all understand the international language of fitness, and know fully what lies in store for your shoulders tomorrow. There is clearly only one reason that I am doing this to you poor buggers, and that is that soon enough it will be hot again, the summer months will be upon us before you know it. And you legends will be having to beat the essence parties off with a shitty stick while bimbling about Roath park on a Harry Von Redders day! Merely because of the boulders i’ve given you as a result of workouts like tomorrows…you’re welcome!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps within 14 minutes of:
20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
40 Double Unders
20 Toes To Bar

Please write your shaky scores on the whiteboard on completion…


WoD - Friday 11th January, 2019

WoD - Friday 11th January, 2019

There is only one way to lift a new 3 rep max deadlift, and that is definitely not when you have to sprint row 300m between sets. But, more like when you are wearing your very best yellow t-shirt and look the most like Big Bird as humanly possible!

Another factor that usually helps you out, is some top level coaches adopting some entirely appropriate coaching stances.

Luckily, here at CrossFit Cardiff, we’ve got you covered on all aspects…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Run 400m
40 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
40 GHD Sit Ups
4 Rope Climbs
Run 300m
30 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
30 GHD Sit Ups
3 Rope Climbs
Run 200m
20 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
20 GHD Sit Ups
2 Rope Climbs

Go hard but listen to your coach when climbing ropes! No DBaggery please! Scores to the whiteboard afterwards…

Sesame Stu.JPG

WoD - Wednesday 31st October, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 31st October, 2018

Go on then, tell me, how are the pins? All good? How are stairs treating you?? Anyone else forced to kip out of bed so that they don’t have bend in anyway.
Lunging into squats into lunging into squat is stupid! But…the more muscle you have the harder your metabolism will be forced to work, and so therefore your body will be kicking out more heat…and so if you really think of it, we are only doing it to make you lot more comfortable throughout the winter months! ;-)
On another plus side, your butt’s will look legit in your Christmas frocks!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Assault Bike Calories 
Kettlebell Swings (24/20kg)

Write your ball bustlingly fast times to the whiteboard please…

overhead squat.jpg

WoD - Monday 15th October, 2018

WoD - Monday 15th October, 2018

Hey campers, I hope the weekend was kind to you. Full of fun, fitness and frolicking, beer and gin, but no dealings with the Police! ;-)

This week we welcome yet another bunch of legends, fresh from their foundations course, bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to jump on in to the big and scary world of classes! Luckily, you old sweats, those who have a few scuffs on your nanos, will be ready and waiting to help them look a little less nervous.
Get chalky, get sweaty and ready to dish out some hugs.

Welcome to the party team, you are going to love it.

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20mins of:
Run 100m
20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
Run 100m
20 Burpess

This is to be completed with a partner. Each run is to be alternated between athletes, all other work can be split however. 

Please write completed rounds to the whiteboard…


WoD - Thursday 30th August, 2018

WoD - Thursday 30th August, 2018

Nancy was more than just 'naughty'...she was a total bitch! There are no surprises there though hey! Just to throw a mere bit of perspective your way, below are the top male and female times of those utter nut cases from this event during the 2013 CrossFit Games:

Josh Bridges: 16:31 (Don't know him!)
Kaleena Ladeairous: 1646 (BEAST!)

Now, I have some important info about the coming month, previously posted yet now added to...

Throughout the recent Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns, the UK lost a huge amount of servicemen and women, unfortunately, many of whom went seamlessly unnoticed. The media reported on the goings on, yet so many of these lives were forgotten about almost immediately. 
Until you are in that world, it is very difficult to attempt to understand how it feels. These selfless heroes laying down their lives, fighting not to defend their country from bombing raids or invasions, but for each other. 
When searching for the definition of Camaraderie I found this..."mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together." In no way does that come close to describing the bond formed between soldiers. A Google for Military Camaraderie arrives far closer to the mark with... "There is nothing in the civilian workforce that can approximate the bonding that occurs in wartime. ... It follows therefore that finding the military version of camaraderie in a civilian occupation is almost impossible."... Quite possibly then, no words will suffice? Surely though, when confronted with such extreme environments, to protect one another is merely human nature? Like a mother or father protecting their children?

I may have fallen well short of the mark, attempting to describe this to you all, but what I do know is that I witness a part of it everyday. The support offered to each other throughout a tough workout, the shared suffering, binds people together like no amounts of bicep curls or calf raises every would. Did you ever wonder why you find so many friends at the gym?

I want to give back. On the 29th of September, at 11:00 the Trainers will begin a 24 hour event. In pairs, we will complete 633 Clean and Jerks, loading to be dictated by an average body weight per pair. One rep for each life. We have 24 hours to finish. 
Even though the full 24 hours is reserved for the team, on the day there will be various different ways in which you will all be able to take part. 

The Royal Marines pride themselves on peak physical performance and unbreakable mental resilience. Commando Training is almost entirely centred around a final hurdle; The Commando Tests. Four extremely difficult feats which not only test the fitness of the recruit, but also simply his ability to endure pain. Developed from the start, the Commando qualities are fully engrained into most by this stage and are exactly what, allows these young men to succeed: 

Courage, Determination, Unselfishness and Cheerfulness in the face of Adversity

Yet, these tests attempted separately, without the cumulative affect of the 30 week Commando Course are entirely doable. The 633 Event is no different. However, it too is placed at the end of a significant challenge. 

Each workout posted in the month of September, programmed for Monday - Saturday, will be a hero WoD. Most of these will be named after fallen Royal Marines, yet others from different services will be posted, each for good reason.
These workout will be hard, every single one of them. They will make you sore and challenge your body. Be careful and don't you be a hero. If you need to rest, do so. If you feel any kind of niggle then back off, listen to the team and scale when told to do so.
You will not necessarily get fitter during this month, and that is not our intention. You may have to perform the same movement two days in a row. You may work for long periods of time and feel significant discomfort as a result. Do NOT add additional workouts, train twice a day and be sure to rest when needed. 

We have the month of September to raise as much money as possible. Destined for the Royal Marines Charity, they will be sending the funds to Reorg. A Foundation who's mission is to help any Royal Marine, serving or veteran, suffering with the after effects caused by these brutal campaigns.  

The Just giving page is live, and ready for you to donate...

Please, do what you can. Various mini events will take place throughout September, get stuck in and help us to raise money for those who desperately deserve it. 

To get the ball rolling, where possible, we are requesting a £1 donation, in a bucket at the gym, per person, per hero workout attended. If this is something you are able to do then thank you.

We start on Saturday

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps within 20 minutes of:
10 Calorie Assault bike
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Handstand Push Ups
10 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

Please post rounds and reps to the whiteboard...


WoD - Tuesday 31st July, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 31st July, 2018

Heavy? just wait until you see those animals at the CrossFit Games in Madison throwing down and chucking about loads that make you have to rub your eyes! 

If you have no idea what I am talking about, then click on this link...CrossFit Games and it will tell you all there is to know, including where and how to watch! 
Comment on the post, who you think will win, top man and woman. 

Tomorrow we tackle a well known hero, Jack. And, I have one word of warning when doing NOT attempt to remove your t-shirt mid workout! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 Push press (50/35kg)
10 Kettlebell Swings (24/20kg)
10 Box jumps (24/20")

Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, Oklahoma, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group, Fort Lewis, Wash., died September 29th, 2009, in Jolo Island, Philippines, from the detonation of an improvised explosive device. Martin is survived by his wife Ashley Martin, his parents Jack and Cheryl Martin, and siblings Abe, Mandi, Amber and Abi.

Please, respectfully write your scores on the whiteboard...


WoD - Monday 16th July, 2018

WoD - Monday 16th July, 2018

Another weekend done, with more bad ass weather, blazing sun and some extremely questionable training attire. Notebook of fitness smashed you so hard, peoples shorts starting independently falling off!
That used to happen to Hugh Hefner. It's weird, every time he was around a group of females, all of his clothes just would not stay on his body! It must have been a nightmare; courgettes everywhere!! Good for the ladies though, just not for the coaches! ;-) #alwayswearcourtesyshorts #pleasenofroners

If you need clarification on that last hashtag then please just ask. 

Now then, welcome the next batch of legends into the box please, they may come in looking like rabbits in the headlights, but they will leave with smiles! 
Welcome to the party team, it's just like one of Hugh's! ;-) 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

4 Rounds of:
Within 2 minutes complete:
50/35 Calorie Assault Bike
Remaining time Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) 
Rest 4 minutes between rounds


WoD - Friday 13th July, 2018

WoD - Friday 13th July, 2018

Don't you worry about tomorrow, it may well be Friday the 13th, and Trump may well be in the UK, but that does not matter!! There's absolutely no way that the two are linked! After all, the British public love him really, the protests are just to get the afternoon off work! He's a rockstar, NOT the most annoying human on the planet and would, I'm sure, drop in to the box and smash a workout any day! 

Anyway, come in and pay your respects with a well deserved hero workout...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle ups
4 Handstand Push ups
8 Kettlebell swings (32/24kg)

Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.

Post rounds completed the whiteboard...


WoD - Thursday 14th June, 2018

WoD - Thursday 14th June, 2018

Hand up if you think Nancy is a bitch!! Whether she is nasty, naughty or normal, she's not my favourite person right now! There's no way you lot agree though right? Thats why the morning class was soooooo busy today!
Sorry if I seem to be rambling throughout this WoD post, but that smell of freshly picked cherries keeps distracting me! ;-) 

Any back to bantering the hell out of Ash. It seems that not only is Keto removing his addiction to vicious deserts which appear to be designed to kill anyone who attempts them, it's allowing him to get an appreciation of this unbelievable phenomenon known as the morning!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:

50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3 reps of
Double Unders
Ring Dips
Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)

Take some selfies beach ready and then get your bad assed times on zeee whiteboard please!!

Ash biceps.jpg
Ash fuck it.jpg

WoD - Monday 4th June, 2018

WoD - Monday 4th June, 2018

Another week and another Ass Bike workout, well, just a buy in and a cash out. Is there actually a better way to start the week off? Rid yourself of any residue hang over, still lingering after the weekend like an unwanted smell or old ex-girlfriend; relentlessly stalking you on social media. 

Get rid of her with this...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
Toe To Bar
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike

Your grip is fine, nothing wrong with it, so get your scores written on the whiteboard please!! 


WoD - Friday 1st June, 2018

WoD - Friday 1st June, 2018

Pinch, punch, first of the month! Holy midway point of the year Batman...


What you could do is wave goodbye to the sunshine, now that it is officially summer! Don't worry though, it will come back out in September to give us our annual glimmer of hope! 

Can you tell that I am pre-loading this blog post, the fact that I am talking about the weather and not the utter destruction that the assault bikes caused you guys last night. I was gutted to have missed it, however, Bozman is having his wicked way with me and also with an assault bike. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD


Within twenty minutes, complete as many rounds as you can of:
2 Ring Muscle Ups
4 Handstand Push Ups
8 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)

Please post your rounds and reps to the whiteboard...


Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.

WoD - Thursday 24th May, 2018

WoD - Thursday 24th May, 2018

Lets all join together and congratulate Ash for making his flight on the second chance! However, had he not been such a muppet and got it the first time, we only would've had to have cycled for 220 calories and NOT 440!! If you weren't sure, it totally sucks!!

Possibly not quite as much as what you legends did today! I wasn't lying hey? It really hurt. The original workout was as follows:

4 Rounds, each for time:
50 Double Unders
25/20 Cal Row
20/15 Cal AB
15 Bar Over Burpees
Rest 4mins between rounds

Which I'm not sure is actually harder than 3 with longer rest. I'm pretty sure that during the 3rd round, Jack has never actually pedalled that slowly, ever before. 

Speaking of pedalling through mud, there are only a few days of May left and you all know what that means...just a few more days to give the may challenge a go. Don't be shy, it's a lovely workout!! 

Anyway...a classic for you. Can anyone go sub 7? 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
12 Pull ups
