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WoD - Friday 22nd May, 2020

WoD - Friday 22nd May, 2020

So then, we go on! The Iso Open is into it’s penultimate week of this hot competition and there is only one way to get involved. Lace up your nanos, do your cossak squats and get those double unders linked (no one wants attractive whip marks on a bank holiday Monday!

On that note, Monday will only see one led zoom class at 10:00am. The codes will be the same as the regular 8am & 6pm.

Further, keep your eyes peeled on FB for a bad ass social gathering for a Super Sunday Sesh, organised by the SS…Social Secretaries. Chill!
They are currently hard at work, organising a mad, mental evening for you all!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Iso Open WoD 4
For time:
75 Press ups
150 Double unders
50 Air squats
100 Double unders
100 Air squats
50 Double unders
150 Air squats
75 Press ups

For this, and every other Iso Open WoD, please records scores to this google sheet (link). As this is for time and doesn’t require a rep count, please insert your time as one number.
For example. If I complete the work in 10:01 then my score will be 1001 no decimal points. Easy.

Score must be uploaded by close of play on Monday please

Warm up
Go for a longer run, in the sun. 5mins out and 5mins back
2 rounds of:
30 Single unders
20 Cossak lunges
10 Walk outs with a press up
