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Happy Birthday Kath

WoD - Friday 1st December, 2017

Pinch, punch, first of the month! And didn't it come around quick! Nuts how fast this fun and fitness filled year has gone!

I have a couple of things for you today. Firstly, the Xmas Opening Hours:

Xmas Eve - 10:00 - 12:00 (allowing for the men to still have ample time to Xmas shop)
Xmas Day - 11:00 (until the last burpee has been done)
Boxing Day - CLOSED (wake up and do 5 Rounds for time of 15 Burpees and 30 Squats. It sucks)
New Years Eve - 10:00 - 12:00
New Years Day - CLOSED (wallow in the self pity of a ginormous hang over, and eat Pringles)

The second piece of awesome news is that it is Kath Shafer's birthday!! Happy Birthday buddy! We all hope that you have a kick ass day and arrive at the gym ready and willing, with your special t-shirt ready to rock. You know the one...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for time of:
60 Double Unders
10 HSPUs
40 Air Squats
10 HSPUs

Please post your final times of the week to the whiteboard and kick this 5 days of thrashing into touch...
