Viewing entries tagged
Handstand Wals

WoD - Wednesday 15th August, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 15th August, 2018

Hump day and half way through the "Buddy Buddy" week. Meaning there is still time to brung your mates along, smash them into an oblivion and spend the rest of the evening attempting to convince them that it is actually fun!! We know it is! 

Now then, what better to do after a middle distance sprint...yep, heavy and high skill gymnastics...I hope you're not showing these posts to your buddies by the way...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

7 Rounds for Time:
100m farmers carry (2x24/16kg)
6m Handstand Walk*

*to scale: 3 wall walks or 10m bear crawl

Please write your blistering times with your fatigued grip to the whiteboard...

Don't be that guy!! 

Don't be that guy!!