Viewing entries tagged
Handstand Walk

WoD - Tuesday 11th February, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 11th February, 2020

Maybe I was experiencing hallucinating due to my sleep deprived state, but at 05:05 I’m sure listened to a woman complaining to the hotel receptionist that it was impossible to get a coffee, specifically with milk, at that time of the morning! 

Stood there in her PJs and slippers (who brings that to a hotel?), she chewed the poor dudes ear off for at least 7 minutes, visibly upset about the situation! I felt her pain, I’d have given my new ball trimmer to go back to bed with a milky hot cup of morale! 

Had I’d known what awaited me at each airport along the way, I may well have asked if she’d wanted some company! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

In teams of 3, complete 10 rounds for time of:
3 Legless rope climbs
30m Handstand walk
9 Sandbag over shoulder (50/35kg)

A spicy bit of grip work for you. Split work as needed and scribble your tunes to the whiteboard on completion...

Met Con
For 10 Rounds, every 2 mins:
20/15 Calorie assault bike*
*30s time cap per round

Pop a tick next to your name if you get all 10 rounds…


WoD - Wednesday 23rd October, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 23rd October, 2019

I was actually writing yesterday’s blog having not yet done 20.2, and so had no idea what I was actually talking about…ish!

Guess what, it sucked and…left its mark. Embarrassingly so when attempting to walk a dog in public, the little bugger dragging me off my feet and causing excessive plantar flexion (link) and a strange facial expression. Wuoldn’t it be wonderful if everyone just understood, without even having to say the words twenty point two. They just saw the pain in your face, your uneasy gait and didn’t look twice when you were walking backwards down the stairs.

Instead they ask…”are you ok?” “What have you done?” The next 5 minutes is more awkward than the build up, trying to fine a way to explain what CrossFit is; a double under'; dumbbell thruster and toes to bar.
Forget it. Just respond with…”what are you doing tomorrow night at 5:30?”

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Okay, now pay attention, as I shall say this only once…

With a continuously running clock:
00:00 - 03:00: Max distance handstand walk (5m blocks)
03:00 - 13:00: Set a 2 Rep Max Deadlift

13:00 - 18:00: Rest 

18:00 - 26:00
For this 8 minute period, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
1/3 of the distance completed in the handstand walk
8 Deadlift (@50% of above)

E.g. if an athlete completes 12 lengths of the HSW they perform 4 in the AMRAP. If they deadlift 120kg for a double, they do 60 for 8.

If you can figure out what to write up on the whiteboard, go nuts…


WoD - Tuesday 24th September, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 24th September, 2019

The time is near, The CrossFit Games Open is close and soon to be upon us! Details will be flooding out soon but in the mean time, sign the hell up and get yourself representing Reebok CrossFit Cardiff.

This year we are doing a big drive, within teams, to raise money for a local charity and so couldn’t look to sweat for a better cause. 5 workouts, in a cracking environment, all to do a good deed. What else could you wish for!

Here is the link providing some information and how to sign up, and some history…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
10 Toes to bar 
10 Strict handstand push ups 
20 Toes to bar 
20 Kipping handstand push ups 
30 Toes to bar 
30m Handstand walk 

Get those times up to the whiteboard you gymnastic ninjas…


WoD - Monday 12th August, 2019

WoD - Monday 12th August, 2019

I hope you guys have all had enjoyable weekends, albeit slightly soggy!

Next Saturday, as per event posted on the members page, we have a Bring a Buddy event. It’s pretty simple:

  • Select and drag a buddy to the gym

  • Partner with said buddy and perform the workouts created by the mind of the master

  • Win some cool prizes

  • Drink beer and get loose

Saturday will be the first day of a brand, spanking new…bring a buddy week. Running therefore from August 17th - 24th you are welcome to bring a friend or more to the gym with you, free of charge.
All that is needed is to email Davs on, and remind them that not every class ends in beer drinking shenanigans!

Get them involved in something very cool, don’t keep it all for yourselves!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Today we dedicate some time to becoming gymnastic ninjas…

For 15 minutes
Pistol progressions/skill work

15 minutes
Handstand Walk progressions

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 10 minutes of:
10 Pistols 
10m Handstand Walk
10 Ab Mat Sit Ups 

Shake off those hamstrings and get your times up to the whiteboard please…

Bring a Buddy.jpg

WoD - Friday 5th July, 2019

WoD - Friday 5th July, 2019

Maybe a Saturday team WoD. You know, more time on your hands as you don’t have work, you can take a morning off the renovations and throw down in the sunshine with your buddies, just like the good old days. They will take the piss out of you for a spell, you’ll die during the workout…they will take the piss out of you even more. Then, the same friends will thrust a free beer into your hands, and another, forcing you to not only take the rest of the day off from house shit, but abandon your car outside the gym, turn your Bat Phone off and get sunburnt and shitface drunk in a local beer garden. In turn and due to a raging hang over, forcing you to take the next day off too!

Basically, it’s a win win situation.

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

16 Rounds for time:
8 Front squats (70/50kg)
10m Hand Stand Walk
8 Handstand Push Up
8 Chest To Bar Pull Up

These are you go, I go rounds. and no, you do NOT need chalk for Front Squats!! Times to the whiteboard and descend on Groves’s house please…

Groves in full holiday mode

Groves in full holiday mode

WoD - Friday 14th June, 2019

WoD - Friday 14th June, 2019

Who’s got that Friday feeling? You know, the super special one where you have to go to A&E and sit in the waiting room without the ability to pick your nose due to the eye watering pain in your arms. There because in the past three days you bicep curled your power cleans, basically climbed a rope without any legs and finally early armed pulled the living crap out of a bunch of Sumo Deadlift High Pull?!
Well don’t fret, you don’t have rhabdo, but you likely do have a sweet pair of pipes to impress the ladies (and lads) on the dance floor tonight! Now just make sure you don’t dance like Davs and you’ll be just fine!

Now then, stand by for ALL the rets of the gymnastics…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 15 minutes of:
20 Alternating Pistols
10m Handstand Walk
10 GHD Sit Ups

Now that you also have abs that you can wash your knickers on, and an arse that will give folk on St Mary’s street whiplash just write Thank you on the whiteboard…


WoD - Wednesday 5th June, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 5th June, 2019

As stated, zero banter.

I do need something from you please though…prey for us. Prey that the rain gods get the f**k out of dodge and allow not only these lunatics to do their thing…but for HanBane and I to be less moist!
Thank you in advance!

A bit of a different stimulus awaits you tomorrow, all the gymnastics.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For 10 rounds, every two minutes perform all of the following:
5 Gymnastics Kips
5 Toes To Bar
5 Pull Ups
5m Handstand Walk
Rest remainder of 2 min window.

Remember what I said about EMOMs. 🤦🏻‍♂️


WoD - Easter Monday, 22nd April, 2019

WoD - Easter Monday, 22nd April, 2019

I seriously hope that you are all enjoying your REST day, only enforced by me as the gym has been closed, making Easter Egg hunts possible!
I’m sure however, that you have all rather than take a break, discovered a variety of ways to kick your own arses to intensity. Go and get smashed, chill, and eat some chocolate. The fitness will wait until another day.

Like tomorrow for example…the opening times are as follows:

10:00 - 11:00: Open Gym
11:00 - 12:00: WOD
12:00 - 13:00: Yoga

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

30 Devils Press Box Step Overs (50/35lbs)
50m Handstand Walk
1km Run

Get those scores on the board and get out into the sunshine, enjoy!

On another note, the wonderful human being who is programming for you this weekend is also one hell of a dab hand with a pencil…

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WoD - Friday 19th October, 2018

WoD - Friday 19th October, 2018

I would just like to apologise on behalf of your legs and butts. If they feel anything like mine then you too will be requiring to make stupid noises every time you stand up, sit down, bend over…to pick up the soap you’ve dropped…shame or climb the stairs.

Lets lunge like that until the pain goes away and then test how much we can squat!

I bet you aren’t thinking about your butts now though hey…just your arms?!

Hands up who loves dumbbell snatch…
Hands up who after 100 pull ups no longer loves a dumbbell snatch…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
30 Deadlift (100/70kg)
30 Handstand Push Ups
20 Deadlift (120/85kg)
20 Deficit Handstand Push Ups
10 Deadlift(140/100kg)
10m Handstand Walk

Please write completed times to the whiteboard…


WoD - Friday 5th October, 2018

WoD - Friday 5th October, 2018

Swingers parties are I’m sure extremely exciting and just the most amount of fun possible on a Saturday night. Now, having stated “I’m sure” should allude to the fact that I have never actually been involved in one, something that I am proud of! Although I am entirely keen on ticking off as many experiences throughout life as humanly possible, this seems to be a little much!

For the even more uninitiated and so I am led to believe, party goers will deposit their keys into a bowl at the beginning of he night, get rat arsed drunk (or not - depending on who is in attendance), prior to choosing a different set affording the temporary owner to drive home in a different car, to a different house, and most importantly…a different woman!

CrossFit Cardiff is NOT a swingers party…so give Louisa’s keys back!!!

Do it now before it gets out of control, now would be funny, and everyone will believe that it was an “innocent” mistake…next week will be just weird!

You know who you are!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete all reps for time:
30 Box Jump Over (20)
10m Handstand Walk
20 Box Jump Over (24)
10m Handstand Walk
10 Box Jump Over (30)
10m Handstand Walk
20 Box Jump Over (24)
10m Handstand Walk
30 Box Jump Over (20”)

Please write completed times to comments…

Swingers party.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 27th June, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 27th June, 2018

So anyone still sore from Monday? As stated, I am mildly apologetic for putting you through it, but once the pain goes, you will have a set of buns to be proud of! For sure! 

The sun is out and pumping, and it feels so fracking good...until you get a whiff of Ash post lunge! Unless of course, he sprays himself to death with Lynx! Then, all you get is the effect!! 
Once its in, you ladies are screwed!! 

Now tomorrow I am introducing something cool, it will be a challenge, but trust!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Teams of 3 will complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 10mins of:
6 Power Cleans (100/70kg)
6m Handstand Walk
12 Pull ups

The workout should be split as needed, one team mate per round is to perform the HSW.

Anyone recognise that handsome guy in the banner picture??'s Rich Froning! 

Posting your rounds to the whiteboard is the only way that the world will know that you are still alive, so please do so!  

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WoD - Monday 18th June, 2018

WoD - Monday 18th June, 2018

Not only now do I have Ash and his bicep development to entertain me, but I luckily receive daily videos of Conroy attempting to kill himself with his self entitled..."dense" man gymnastics development. Amazing! 
I promise that I will share with you, by any and every means possible, any amazing "fails" videos. He is bound to stack it one day soon. 

Don't worry brother, it's happened to the best of us. Unfortunately for you lot, there is NO video evidence of me face-planting while attempting to demo a handstand walk in front of 240 athletes at the European regional workout demo brief. 

Right then, we have another "fun" and fitness filled week planned for you guys. Beginning with a partner workout, designed to allow you to welcome a new bunch of kick ass, rabbit eyed legends into their first gentle! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Splitting the work as needed and For Time:

42 - 36 - 30 - 24 - 18 - 12 - 6 reps of:
Deadlift (100/70kg)
Bar Over Burpees

Please, especially if this is your first class, proudly write your times to the whiteboard...

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