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WoD - Monday 7th May, 2018

WoD - Monday 7th May, 2018

Grab a buddy, get out of the sun (only for an hour), and get super buff. 

Speaking of sun, I'm headed back out into it...

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within 15 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 
Run 400m together
10 Handstand Push Ups
10 Deadlift (80/60kg)
10 Toes To Bar
Run 400m together
20 Handstand Push Ups
20 Deadlift (80/60kg)
20 Toes To Bar

Please write your sunburnt times to the whiteboard...

castle sun.jpeg

WoD - Thursday 19th October, 2017

Hang on for dear f**king life are nearly there!! ;-)

In all honesty, this week has been an awesome example of programming. One thing per hour and guess what, it has been a significant challenge. Even some of the best have been humbled and forced to scale loads. 
Hannah has been designing workouts in the background for a while and has been let loose, with some intelligent adjustments throughout the week, in response to feedback from those taking part, have allowed you to continue pushing all week.
What a stud! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 10mins, complete an AMRAP of:
2 Shoulder To Overhead (80/60kg)

A cheeky bit of movement redundancy, going from something heavy overhead to bodyweight will be a spicy challenge. 

Please post rounds to the whiteboard...

Accessory Program

1. Tempo press ups - 4 sets x 5 reps (2s down, 1s pause with chest hovering above the floor and a fast ascent)

1.1 After set 1 perform a single arm dumbbell bench press with a slightly heavier load than used in week 1 - 5 reps on each arm (5s down and 5s up) - only increase the dumbbell in weight if lat and chest activation can be maintained

1.2 After set 2 perform a single arm overhead press with either a small plate, dumbbell or kettlebell (hold by the handle) with a slightly heavier load than used in week 1- 5 reps on each arm (5s up and 5s down) - only increase the load if lat and chest activation can be maintained

1.3 After set 3 perform shoulder taps x 20 reps

1.4 After set 4 perform push up hold to plank x 10 reps



Christmas Eve

A few folk earned some serious points in the bank those "heroes!" Drink that beer. It will be just deserved! Especially if you head to the box to do today's utter shitfest, as well as get 150 burpees knocked out on Xmas day! 

If not, I hope you all have a blinding Xmas. Enjoy the break and take full advantage! I can't wait to see you all after the silly season kitting out to the hilt in your brand new CrossFit gear! 

Xmas Eve WoD

In Pairs and for time:
Run 800m
100 Hang Power Snatch (40/30kg)
100 GHD Sit Ups
Run 400m
50 Back Rack Walking Lunges (60/40kg)
50 HSPUs
Run 400m
25 Push Jerks (80/60kg)
25 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 800m

All reps cal be divided been partners as you see fit, both must run together. 

Following the class, everyone is welcome to come and take over our local caffeine distributing venue. 

Xmas Day Burpees will be performed at 10am - 150. No coaching, warming up or fluffing (unless Ian comes down), just 3...2...1...GO. 

Please post times to comments and have a cracking Xmas


WoD - Tuesday 15th December 2015

Who wants an 11am class on Xmas Eve?? Speak up team. 

What is not happening is an 8pm class as I did one year. Couldn't get out of the gym even on Christmas Eve. 

So today's workout was purposefully placed in order to ensure that you weren't required to perform anything too crazy on hang over day number 2. Tomorrow though...not so much. Enjoy...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time:

100 Cal Row
100 Double Unders
75 STOH (40/30kg)
75 Air Squats
50 Hang Power Cleans (50/35kg)
50 GHD Sit Ups
25 Deadlifts (80/60kg)
25 HSPUs

*there will be a 25min time cap on this workout. 

Please post times to comments...


Adopt an OnRamper - Monday 21st September

Last Friday saw the Graduation of the September On-Rampers. A small but perfectly formed group who can't wait to begin their CrossFit journey.

As is now customary, tomorrow is a partner WOD to help introduce the new guys to the rest of you lovely bunch.  Introduce yourselves and partner up with someone new.

Ross, Nick, Me, Claire, Luke

Ross, Nick, Me, Claire, Luke

The WOD will be:

Within 20 Minutes, AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of:

  • 4 TTB (Toes To Bar)
  • 8 KettleBell Snatches (32/24)
  • 12 HSPU (Hand Stand Push Ups) 

There will be plenty of scaling options available don't worry! Share the work as needed