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WoD - Thursday 8th November, 2018

WoD - Thursday 8th November, 2018

I told you the Devil was going to reach into your soul and remove a vital part of you hey?! And the bugger can do it all while you are trying to pull two dumbbells over your head! The total swine!

Luckily for you little legends, tomorrow, rather than do some really hard movements like a Devil’s Press, we have some really “easy” ones for you! Chill out a little, this won’t hurt a bit, there’s no way that your legs will scream for mercy, but rather you will finish looking like a complete God/Goddess instead!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for time of:
35 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
15 Toes To Bar
35 Double Unders

Sprint, as fast as your tired little legs will take you, and write your times on the whiteboard please…
