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WoD - Tuesday 20th November, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 20th November, 2018

I’ve been told by a top secret sauce that it is a certain members birthday tomorrow. This young stud of a man has officially crossed over into the masters category, even though his high cheek bones and perky glutes would never think you to believe so!
Instead, he will continue to stealthily creep up on your loads and times, clenching his teeth like a Royal Marine in a spelling test, and if he can’t beat you, will just attempt to convince you that the top score actually says something else.

I also heard that he doesn’t like people to make a fuss…well he should’ve thought of that before he joined a CrossFit gym!

Penblwydd Hapus Sexy Stu, you Gerald Butler looking MoFo. I hope every drink you consume today is large, alcoholic and bought by an amazing person!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

‘Fight Gone Bad’
Three rounds of:
Wall balls (20/14lbs)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (35/25kg)
Box Jump (20”)
Push Press (35/25kg)
Calorie Row
Complete as many reps as possible within 1 minute, for each movement

A classic benchmark, if you survive the “fight” then get your scores to the board and make sure you remember them!

Sexy stu.jpg