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WoD - Thursday 20th October, 2022

WoD - Thursday 20th October, 2022

Well team, could you all please do me a small favour… wherever you may be and whatever it is that you might be doing, please stop… find Gem Verallo, give her a massive birthday squeeze before you force her to do a large number of assault bike calories. Don’t you worry dude, I know exactly what it feels like! 😳

A massive happy birthday to you you legend! Huge love from us all!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
30/25 Calorie assault bike
Rest 8 minutes

30 - 20 - 10
Burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
Toes to bar

Rest 8 minutes
30/25 Calorie assault bike

Push Jerk
3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1
Increasing load

Snatch balance
2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2

This picture is entitled… “From Gem with love”