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Froning's WoD

WoD - Thursday 22nd February, 2018

WoD - Thursday 22nd February, 2018

I am writing this pre-evening classes and I have to say, I am especially excited about tonight. No one, has vomited today yet, not at least in the gym (potentially while en route home)! But there are three classes later, full of young bucks, busting to get after this hard! 

I have a few picks for favourite...Ash, Nick, Conners or Me (prior to the 5pm) or basically anyone else! Just remember, do not vomit into the will not be good for you! 

Anyway, back to tomorrow. 

GET YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR 18.1 UP ON THE BOARD. In your team colours, with your initials, the closest guess earns 10 points for their team. 
Not signed up yet? Don't worry, there is still chance. Click HERE to sort yourself out!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for time of:
20 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
10 Deadlift (100/70kg)

Please scribe rounds to the whiteboard, you kick assed ninjas!! Chuck a * up there next to your names if your asses are on fire...

I may get in trouble for posting this picture, but i'm in it so screw them! 

I may get in trouble for posting this picture, but i'm in it so screw them!