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Find Groves

WoD - Friday 5th July, 2019

WoD - Friday 5th July, 2019

Maybe a Saturday team WoD. You know, more time on your hands as you don’t have work, you can take a morning off the renovations and throw down in the sunshine with your buddies, just like the good old days. They will take the piss out of you for a spell, you’ll die during the workout…they will take the piss out of you even more. Then, the same friends will thrust a free beer into your hands, and another, forcing you to not only take the rest of the day off from house shit, but abandon your car outside the gym, turn your Bat Phone off and get sunburnt and shitface drunk in a local beer garden. In turn and due to a raging hang over, forcing you to take the next day off too!

Basically, it’s a win win situation.

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

16 Rounds for time:
8 Front squats (70/50kg)
10m Hand Stand Walk
8 Handstand Push Up
8 Chest To Bar Pull Up

These are you go, I go rounds. and no, you do NOT need chalk for Front Squats!! Times to the whiteboard and descend on Groves’s house please…

Groves in full holiday mode

Groves in full holiday mode

WoD - Tuesday 2nd July, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 2nd July, 2019

How much fun was that WoD?? Not knowing if you will fly through the high rings at any moment due to a lack of feeling in those guns, legit!

We must rally. Bind together like chalk after Ash has had his sweaty mitts in there, preparing for sprints on the concept 2 bike erg (of course you need chalk)! Over the last few months there has been something missing, a void of banter, making that gym quiet and cold, barren! Of course I am referring to Groves!
Mark Groves to be precise.

Take turns, daily, to hound him. Saturate his inbox, facebook wall, slide into his IG DMs and get that man back! Grove, these nanos aren’t going to train themselves!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minute

3 Touch and Go Power Snatch

The goal for these sets is to increase loading throughout. Get those small increments up on the whiteboard please…
