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WoD - Friday 2nd November, 2018

WoD - Friday 2nd November, 2018

The weekend is upon us, the end of another hard weeks worth of work and WoDs. Unfortunately, we don’t have any super cool Halloween throw downs for you, Conroy is too busying taking a truly deserved break down under! Sunning himself in the Ozzy sun, as we freeze in the Welsh Winter!

However, come December 21st we will all be heading out to get absolutely trashed at Tiny Rebel for our annual Xmas party. Prices are still being finalised, but tickets are set to be around £20. To include a couple of free drinks, plus a hot buffet and the soul occupation of their entire top floor, including our very own bar, cwtch room and 3rd separate function suite, where Ash can blast out The Greatest Showman Sound Track until he get’s punched in the baby maker by someone more sane.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
50 Cal Row
40 GHD Sit Ups
30 Handstand Push Ups
20 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Deadlifts (150/100kg)

If you survive, congratulations…write your score up on the whiteboard in celebration…

Ash following his Showman exploits

Ash following his Showman exploits

The Interbox Team Showdown

The Interbox Team Showdown

It's here! The day of the final team show down. 

Get down the gym and have a blast on your Saturday. Stay later and watch the feature film, hang with your buddies and have a laugh. Following the event, I am fairly sure that at least some will be heading out on the lash, especially if your names are Woody and Jimi and you have a long weekend to get over the fear!! 

The last two pieces of the puzzle are below...


Part G

From minute 77 to minute 87
3 Team members will Perform an AMRAP of:
5 Shoulder to Overhead (60/40kg)
25 Air Squats
Reps can be split in any fashion, with 1 athlete working at any one time.

Part H 
From minute 87 to minute 90
3 Team members will Perform an AMRAP of:
1 athlete to be working at any one time.

Trust rather than judges will be used to determine the loads, rounds and reps of all sections. Fun is the intention rather than being crowned the official winning team. 

Hours are: 
Briefing at 10:00
Workout Starts at 10:30
Workout Ends at 12:00
Drunken fun begins!!  
