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WoD - Wednesday 6th October, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 6th October, 2021

My prediction for today is that I would actually rather do Fran backwards, twice followed by the same amount of reps on the assault bike, also twice… than drink again!

Still, no one will listen to my plea and therefore back to the booze!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds for time of:
21/18 Calorie assault bike
15 Box jumps (24/20”)*
9 Deadlift (125/100kg)

*due to the high chance of death, athletes are welcome and in fact encouraged to hop over the box with the use of their hands...


WoD - Monday 13th June 2016

We are going to start the week with a large will be the sound of your lungs exploding! But don't worry yourselves one little will be fun! Ish! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Within 15mins establish a 1RM Back Squat. 

B: For Time:

2,000m Row
While rowing complete death by burpees. Athletes will begin behind the rowers and perform 1 burpee on the 3...2...1...GO before rowing as far as possible in the remaining time. At the top of the  each minute, athletes will get off and perform the required number of burpees before either reaching 2km or failing to complete the reps within the minute. 

Row as hard as you can for the initial few minutes when the burpee numbers are low.