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WoD - Thursday 21st October, 2021

WoD - Thursday 21st October, 2021

Well I did warn you, and that is all I can do. Now, I have genuinely been struggling since doing that workout. Only today I feel confident enough to not have to walk down the stairs one at a time, while holding on… just in case!
Meaning that, by Sunday, you might be feeling okay and you are welcome!

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
Within 25 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Handstand push ups
10 Calorie assault bike
50 Double unders

These are you go, I go rounds…

Within 15 minutes:
Establish a 1 rep max clean

Back extensions
10 - 10 - 10 - 10

WoD - Wednesday 30th June, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 30th June, 2021

Mid week and my quads still will not allow me to walk up or down the stairs, in a straight line or backwards without looking like a complete muppet!
I would make an official complaint, but I did it to myself.

All that is needed now is to be able to watch the CCTV footage at the range last night, watching me attempting to carry 10 bottles of drain unblocker with no basket and no quads!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 10 minutes of:
20/15 Calorie bike
5 Bar muscle ups

Rest 5 minutes

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 10 minutes of:
20/15 Calorie row
15 GHD sit ups

Please post your rounds and reps for each AMRAP to the whiteboard…

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WoD - Thursday 19th November, 2020

WoD - Thursday 19th November, 2020

Well I bet there are some seriously shakey legs reading this post today. Guess what, if you do heavy lunges after months of time off through lockdown rubbish, it hurts! Weird that!

Take a rest day if you need, but move. Get your arse up, away from the locked down life of working from home, a novelty that wore off faster than zoom classes, and walk/wander/Jyog (silent J) in order to get some fresh blood pumping! It is what you drastically need…especially if you are planning on doing this tomorrow…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For Time:
Run 1 Mile
30 Handstand push ups
30 Deadlift (100/80kg)
30 Toes to bar
Run 1 Mile

Front squat
7 - 7 - 7 - 7
These are straight sets, performed at 80% of your 1RM squat clean

Get those times up the whiteboard and then realise it’s FRIDAY!


WoD - Thursday 13th February, 2020

WoD - Thursday 13th February, 2020

Wednesday, ah that wonderful hump day! When you know that you are officially on the downhill slope to the weekend and you can wake up feeling the full force of Monday’s workout! Fuck you DOMS...fuck you! 

Now the ladies among you, you maybe temporarily confused and consumed by the pain you feel corsing through your veins, but that does not mean that (even if it is socially acceptable) it is okay to drop to one knee on February and ask your “man” to be your husband!
Don’t worry lads, the plan is to utterly destroy them all with such disgusting programming that there is no way they could:
1. Chase after you once you ask them WTF they think they are doing and…
2. Could actually get down to one knee anyway.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
Run 1 mile 
25 Toes to bar 
25 Handstand push ups
Run 800m 
20 Toes to bar 
20 Handstand push ups 
Run 400m
15 Toes to bar 
15 Handstand push ups 
Run 200m 
10 Toes to bar 
10 Handstand push ups

Run hard and fast and get those times up on the board before you leave…

Met Con
For time:
150 wall balls*

*EMOM perform 7 burpees


WoD - Friday 17th January, 2020

WoD - Friday 17th January, 2020

You have arrived, made it to Friday. You can chill right out, slippered feet up and a ice cold beer in your hand! Safe in the knowledge that you have another week behind you, moving yourself even further away from the Christmas sluggishness and a week closer to the magical summertime!

All you have to do first is sprint on a rower and lift heavy shit above your head…easy! At least you have people to share the pain with!

CrossFit Cardiff Team WoD

In teams of 3:
15 Rounds for time: 
20/15 Calorie row
5 Shoulder to overhead (85/60kg)
These are you go I go rounds.

Get your total time up on the board please team…

DOMS meme.jpg

WoD - Thursday 1st August, 2019

WoD - Thursday 1st August, 2019

Pinch, punch…the best month of the year hey! Except of course if you wake up with DOMs so bad you need to kip out of bed! Suller has taken the notch up a rank or two this week hey, and it’s not over yet! Luckily you haven’t got to use your shoulders again until…whatever time class you are doing today…😳

Maybe he is fighting hard to combat the infamous DadBod. By punishing everyone with beach ready workouts and causing Al Conroy to be forced to “take a knee” for around 30 minutes before feeling able enough to drive a car! Great workout!

Look out…

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Double JT
42 - 30 - 18
Handstand push ups
Ring dips
Press ups

Split the work how you see fit, take post WoD selfies of massive shoulders and get those times up to the whiteboard please…
