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CrossFit L2

WoD - Friday 2nd December, 2022

WoD - Friday 2nd December, 2022

Happy Friday you legends! Please remember that the gym is closed this weekend for the CrossFit Level 2 seminar. The only poor bugger allowed in for a high level thrashing will be Joe G, who is taking said L2 and will be getting a high level thrashing!

Wish him luck when you see him or… give his legs some sympathy if you don’t get to him in time!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
0 - 4 minutes
3 Reps
Rest 2 minutes
4 - 8 minutes
2 Reps
Rest 2 minutes
8 - 12 minutes
1 Rep

The goal is to set the heaviest load possible for each rep range. Increase as reps decrease. Heavy singles, no touch and go.