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Where we stand

Where we stand

The developments within the world of CrossFit over the last 72 hours have been fast paced. We understand people were attempting to seek clarification on our position, and we apologise if we have caused any offence by our silence but we were using this time to reflect.

Here is where we stand.

At CrossFit Cardiff we want to express how disappointed and let down we feel by the recent words and actions of Greg Glassman. We do not believe these words have a place within an inclusive society, and we wholeheartedly believe his actions do not represent the values of our gym or our community.

Racial inequality is a problem so deeply ingrained within the world we live in and we would like to use our platform, our privilege, to express our solidarity with the black community. Black Lives Do Matter. However, we unreservedly acknowledge that we will never truly understand the inequalities experienced by so many within our society.

We will remain a CrossFit Affiliate.

Within the last 24 hours, positive change has been implemented within CrossFit HQ, one which will be the first step to a major re-structure and overhaul of company dynamics. We trust in the methodology, the power of the community and that the new hierarchy will drive CrossFit forwards positively; forging a bright future.

We believe in the methodology, and we believe the methodology is more than just one man. We have been fortunate over the last 9 years to see the real positive impacts of this training methodology, and we believe this can continue to positively impact the lives of many. We will continue to keep in close contact with CrossFit HQ and we will be a part of this change.

We are going to take some time to listen, to reflect and to learn - we are going to make mistakes and we acknowledge this, but we want to grow. We will strive in continuing to provide our members with a welcoming and an inclusive place to train.

We are committed to you, our family.

Tomorrow is a new day.

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible, within 20 minutes of:
5 Strict handstand push ups
10 Bent over rows (40/30kg)
20 Reverse lunges

1 Barbell (40/30kg)
1 Rucksack
1/2 DBs/KBs

Warm up
Mixed Tabata
The Finnish warm up*
Air squats
Alternate the 20s of work between the Finnish Warm up and air squats. Rest 10 seconds between, 4 of each

*You all remember. Or if you don’t…
Get onto all fours, lift your knees one inch off the ground and for 10s lift all four of your hands and feet off the floor independently of each other, as quickly as you can.

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

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