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WoD - Tuesday 8th March, 2022

WoD - Tuesday 8th March, 2022

If your name is Christie and you were subject to that workout previously while I was testing it, I am sorry (not sorry)! It after all being… fun!

Now then. Another workout that I have already tested which, you nor your quads will appreciate is coming your way tomorrow. All you need to know is that I was anything but ready and wonderful for the up and coming lectures…

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
5 rounds of:
Within 30s complete a max calorie assault bike sprint
Rest 90 seconds between rounds.

The only partner element of this workout is the fact that the score is accumulative. You don’t get help I’m afraid.

Scores up before you drag yourself out of the gym please!

Handstand holds

A: Free standing handstand practice

3 Sets
5 - 10 Handstand tuck ups
5 Strict toes to bar or negatives
2 Lengths overhead dumbbell carry