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Burpees over the rower

WoD - Wednesday 30th January, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 30th January, 2019

Through absolutely no choice of his own, Oppo will be spending the majority of the day at the gym tomorrow, wandering around, cutting loose, helping me coach you all to elite levels of fitness.
Now he will of course be contained, as being the beast he is, this is certainly required. However, he has been marked as a very accomplished escape artist and can and will, lick any unsuspecting person; from 10 ft and with no prior warning! You, have been warned.

With Op’s in hand, I will be focused on getting you lot a significant response on the assault bike, as well as chase the little legend around, poised with a floor wipe, as apparently he is too posh to pee outside.

Come down and get in line for a cwtch, and if anyone knows how to use a papoose then I am all ears!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For 4 Rounds, each for max reps:
Within 3mins Complete: 
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike*
20/15 Calorie Row
Burpees Over The Rower
Rest 9 Minutes

*There will be a strict 1 minute cap on the assault bikes. My last piece of advice is…do not be lulled into a false sense of security!

Good luck and please record total burpees, across 4 rounds, to the whiteboard…

Oppo Cwtches.jpeg

WoD - Wednesday 21st March, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 21st March, 2018

I have some "good"news for you legends! Good because due to the simple fact of being a wonderful member of CrossFit Cardiff, you get some cool additional benefits, one of which will be coming your way in the very near future. 

A very good friend of mine, and good friend to some of you too, has agreed to program for you all next week as a guest appearance. Now not only is this very cool alone, but what's even cooler is who the mystery sadist is...Oakley Woodhouse. 

Now, not only is Oaks a member of the CrossFit L1 Seminar Staff, she is also a head trainer on the CrossFit Kids Seminar staff AND competed as a member of Team JST at the 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games!! Team JST placed 15th overall and won two events.

Which all means...that you lot are in trouble! ;-) And you thought Hannah's week was bad!! Unlucky my lovelies! 

Anyway, back to tomorrow's fun...and we seem to be setting a trend. Anything goes in the open... 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

10 Rounds for time, in a "you go, I go" style:
300m Row
20 GHD Sit Ups
10 Burpees over rower*

*please do not smash your faces, or, and more rowers! ;-) Xx

Please write total and utterly bad assed ninja times, to comments...

Doesn't she look so sweet, innocent, yet extremely evil!

Doesn't she look so sweet, innocent, yet extremely evil!

WoD - Friday 30th September 2016

Sorry!!!! My bad!  

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

18mins AMRAP: 

10 Cal Row

20 Wall balls (20/14lbs) 

10 Burpees over the rower

This are 'you go, I go' rounds. 
