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WoD - Tuesday 29th January, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 29th January, 2019

It’s all fun and games until your puppy shits alice oover the plats hey?! No understanding of what I just said, that’s ok, you really don’t want to know! However, if you are ever intrigued and fancy just figuring out what the hell half these posts mean, then simply click here for a dictionary.

In any case, you all understand the international language of fitness, and know fully what lies in store for your shoulders tomorrow. There is clearly only one reason that I am doing this to you poor buggers, and that is that soon enough it will be hot again, the summer months will be upon us before you know it. And you legends will be having to beat the essence parties off with a shitty stick while bimbling about Roath park on a Harry Von Redders day! Merely because of the boulders i’ve given you as a result of workouts like tomorrows…you’re welcome!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps within 14 minutes of:
20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
40 Double Unders
20 Toes To Bar

Please write your shaky scores on the whiteboard on completion…


WoD - Monday 22nd October, 2018

WoD - Monday 22nd October, 2018

I’m not sure whether you lovely lot full comprehend my constant, seemingly random rambling, specifically on Monday’s workout posts. When asking you all the open ended question of…
”who got drunk this weekend?”
”who got arrested?”
…well, here’s why…

Every Monday morning at a Commando unit, each fighting company (around 90 Marines) muster on parade at zero eight hundred hours (8am), in uniform - the only day of the week. Once assembled, as smart as a guard, just twice as hard, the beautifully coloured and coveted green beret almost glowing in the Scottish sunshine, the Company OC (Officer Commanding) addresses his men…
”Good morning chaps (officer speak), how is everyone (silence)? Hung over then I take it.” “Okay, I want to see a show of hands…”

“Who got drunk?”
90 Marines raise their hands

“Who got arrested?”
45 Marines raise their hands

“Who got laid?”
One Marine raises his hand!

“Locky…you got laid? With that ginormous alien head!! Get f**ked…your new name is now Alien Heed!” “Those arrested, form a queue outside my office!”

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Box step overs 24/20” (50/35lb) dumbbells
Ab mat sit ups 
Handstand Push Ups

Please write completed times and answers of the above questions to the whiteboard…

In the week…

In the week…

On the weekend

On the weekend

WoD - Monday 31st October 2016

Starting the week with a seriously old school benchmark makes me happy! Especially when it is soooooo much 'fun!'  

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

'Air Force WoD' 

For time: 

20 Thrusters


20 Push Jerk

20 Overhead Squats

20 Front Squats

Athlete must complete 4 burpees on the minute, every minute, as well as at the beginning, prior to their first thruster.

Loading 95/65lbs (42.5/30kg) 

Happy 352nd Birthday to The Royal Marines

Happy 352nd Birthday to The Royal Marines