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Big love

WoD/IMPORTANT POST - Monday 27th February, 2023

WoD/IMPORTANT POST - Monday 27th February, 2023

Evening all. Here’s to hoping that you all have had a blast this weekend, again during the open. I did warn you that this one was going to hurt, and unfortunately I am here to say the same about next week. 23.3 is going to be painful, hopefully not as much as this post.

I have tried to avoid this for as long as possible but… I am afraid that I am going to have to put membership prices up… and here is why.

Being entirely transparent, this post stresses me right out; as many of you will know. However, lots of you might not know that this increase is not intended to ensure that I can put a down payment on my next Ferrari. It’s actually to help fuel Nicole’s potato eating habits and buy her new leggings due to her resulting quad expansion! As well as the result of having to buy S.Pellengrino sparkling water to keep Cath Knapton happy!
In fact, I don’t actually take any money from the gym. I work two other jobs in an effort to save up for that sweet ride.

In the last 12 years I have put the fees up twice. The last time was approximately 5 years ago and by 10% due to having to become VAT registered, meaning that the gym absorbed the other 10%. If you know nothing about VAT and struggle to sleep google it… you’re welcome, trust me!

As a result of the increase of a large increase in the cost of living, I can no longer do this and so as of April, will be doing the same again… in fact it’s actually a little under 10%.

Below are what the increases look like:
Unlimited: £66 - £72
Twice per week: £55 - £60
Couples: £110 - £120
Student/Military: £55 - £60
Ten pack: £60 - £65

All members will continue to enjoy a bad ass gym (I’m obviously bias but, it’s the best in town), with the cheapest overall rates and most importantly full of just the very best community.
I thank you all for the on going support and for just being you!
Big love,

Ps. If you guys didn’t know, new to the team and that, we also have free online YBL yoga for you all, inclusive in your monthly subscription. I don’t do yoga (something which is pretty obvious), but if I was going to, it’s the one I would!

Anyway, onwards to something which fills me with slightly less dread…

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
Partner Ingrid
20 Rounds for time of:
3 Snatch (60/40kg)
3 Burpee over bar
You go, I go rounds.