Viewing entries tagged
Bar muscle ups

WoD - Tuesday 16th January, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 16th January, 2024

Well I am assuming that your legs are completely f**ked, likely along with the rest of your bodies! 😬😁

The good news is that tomorrow we will give them a little break… ish… before we smash the crap out of them again on Wednesday! 😬😬😬😬😁😁

GOOD LUCK and remember, we love you… hence why we do it!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every 4mins for 20minutes:
200m Run
12 Pull ups
9 Chest to bar pull ups
6 Bar muscle ups

A: 20 minutes of handstand practice

B: Conditioning:

3 Sets:
5 - 10 Headstand foot taps
10s/10s Single arm hold - wall/box

3 Sets:
16 - 20 Stalder leg lifts
10 Rower pike ups

WoD - Thursday 1st June, 2023

WoD - Thursday 1st June, 2023

I can’t do it again. I will just say… pinch, punch, first of the month!


Now then, today’s workout is a bit of a punch in the respectful reproductive organs. The goal… unbroken thrusters. Please enjoy!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
30 Calorie assault bike
30 Bar muscle ups
30 Thrusters (40/30kg)

Every 30 seconds for 3 minutes
1 Squat clean

Rest 2 minutes

Every 45 seconds for 4:30
1 Squat clean

Rest 2 minutes

Every minute for 6 minutes
1 Squat clean

3 Sets:
20s front rack hold
5 Romanian deadlift

WoD - Wednesday 4th January, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 4th January, 2023

We have absolutely hit the ground running and are well on our way to completing the first week of the years thrashing! Meaning that with each week complete… the summer is coming! We will all be sweltering before you know it! Cannot wait!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
21 Calorie echo bike
15 Bar muscle ups
9 Deadlifts (120/90kg)

WoD - Friday 14th December, 2018

WoD - Friday 14th December, 2018

That’s it, we are a week away!! One week from the wildest party this side of Nagasaki. Now even though you will all likely be waaaaaaay too drunk to work your phones, or…be having so much fun that you forget to, but please….if everyone remembers to take one picture each, then we will have a BUNCH of cool banter for the blog!

Additionally and due to the above fact that all of you will likely be so drunk that you are unable to facilitate any form of anything the day following.
I have therefore and unfortunately for the one person who wants to attend, decided to close the gym the day following - Saturday 22nd. Reduced times will also be in operation on Friday, meaning that you ladies will have plenty of time to make yourselves look wonderful. See below:

Friday 21st December: 12:00 - 17:30
WoD Class: 12:30 - 13:30
WoD Class: 16:30 - 17:30
Saturday 22nd December: CLOSED

Final addition to the week of destruction:

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time:
50 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
10 Bar Muscle Ups
40 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
8 Bar Muscle Ups
30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
6 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
4 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
2 Bar Muscle Ups

Fast and furious end to the week. Please write your times to the whiteboard…


WoD - Monday 5th November, 2018

WoD - Monday 5th November, 2018

Happy Monday team. I hope you guys have had an awesome weekend without dog scaringly loud fireworks going off. Rather friendly and manageable ones.

Come on in and start the week. Conroy is dishing out some significant fitness from across the other side of the world. He is relentless, why chilling, drinking and definitely NOT doing these devastating workouts…he is allowing your fitness to improve while his takes a different turn. Good luck!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
42 Thrusters (20/15kg)
42 Jumping Pull Ups
30 Thrusters (40/30kg)
30 Pull Ups
18 Thrusters (50/35kg)
18 Chest to Bar Pull ups
9 Thrusters (60/40kg)
9 Bar Muscle Ups

Please, if you are able to lift your hands up high enough, then write your scores to the whiteboard…


WoD - Tuesday 14th August, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 14th August, 2018

This is a day late, but unfortunately, at the time of yesterday's post I had no idea what was going of what was going on with these four badasses! 
Huge Congratulations to Prodders and Bri, and Conners and Suller, for showing up and whooping ass at the Pairs inferno this weekend in Cardiff.
A great showing from four legends! Most importantly, at no point throughout the weekend (not to my knowledge anyway) was Conroy found having to have a cheeky "lie down" after any of the workouts and was NOT, at any point in time found incapacitated either underneath any vendors stalls, nor in the front passenger seat of a car! Therefore he won!

Take a well earned rest and get back in tomorrow for this shitfest...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds For Time:
800m run
50 Double Unders
8 - 6 - 4 Bar Muscle Ups*

*These are depending rep ranges of t=each round. R1 perform 8, R2 6 and R3 4. 

Once complete, scribe your blistering times to the whiteboard please...

Inferno bitches.JPG

WoD - Friday 20th July, 2018

WoD - Friday 20th July, 2018

That F**K it's Friday but rumour has it, its going to be bloody raining! Not to worry, we have a roof! And something else very cool for you...super duper, cards!! 

Now don't get too excited, these bad boys will not be getting you free - certainly not happy dead chickens - all year, but they do allow the holder to discount at some common establishments, which, are importantly...local, small businesses. NOT huge corporations! 

The launch will be launched, on Saturday. Members will be able to collect their cards their cards and be allowed a special extra discount at one of our favourite meat providers...Got Beef. 
On Saturday only, they have been kind enough to increase the usual 10% off burgers only to 15% off all food all day!! Perfect for your post workout protein loading as trust will need it! 
Get down there on mass!! 

Keep your eyes peeled this weekend for further discount announcements...and please don't all swamp Conroy for your cards! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
Row 1000m
50 Ab mat Sit Ups
40 Overhead Squats (40/30kg)
30 Burpees
20 Pistol Squats
10 Bar Muscle ups

Get your meat craving, salvating butts over to the whiteboard and write your times down please...


WoD - Monday 2nd July, 2018

WoD - Monday 2nd July, 2018

I hope you had a fun filled weekend of resting those tired legs! Suller is programming this week, and you might well need them! What you definitely will need are rested abs and freshly filed hands. Get rid of those calluses as you know...Suller just loves a Toes To Bar. 

Before that though, get in some pulling practice. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Partner Frantasy land

For Time:
21 - 15 - 9 of
Thrusters (40/30kg)
Pull ups

Straight into 15 - 12 - 9 reps of:
Thrusters (50/35kg)
Chest To Bar Pull Ups

Straight into 12 - 9 - 6 reps of:
Thrusters (60/40kg)
Bar Muscle Ups


WoD - Monday 11th June, 2018

WoD - Monday 11th June, 2018

Welcome to another week of fun filled, frolicking fitness!

Congratulations to those ass kicking weekend warriors, who represented at IONs pair competition; battling away over the course of the day and doing so with your heads held high and a proud CrossFit Cardiff logo on your back! 
I'm sure the crowd of enthusiast supporters who came to cheer you on, drowned out the noise of any other affiliate's support crew, as they are clearly used to screaming over Suller's impressive diaphragm. 

Anyway, Monday is upon us and you want to know what awaits you hey. Without further ado...

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within 15mins Complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
4 Bar Muscle Ups
8 Press Ups
12 Pistol Squats
This is in a "you go, I go" style. 

Please record total rounds and write to the whiteboard...

blog pistol.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 9th May, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 9th May, 2018

If found, please return my legs, lungs and/or shoulders to...

CrossFit Cardiff
Unit's J8 & J9
Colchester Avenue Industrial Estate
Hell on Earth

Anyway, back in the room. That leader board for May's monthly challenge is looking a little bare. There are rumours of Nick (I love a good toe to bar WoD) Griffin having a stab later this week. Don't let the poor man go alone team! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within nine minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
40/30 Assault Bike Calories, once as a buy in:
3 Bar Muscle Ups
6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (60/40kg)
9 Box Over Jumps (30”/24”)

Please scribe total rounds and reps to the whiteboard before giving the bikes the finger...


WoD - Friday 23rd March, 2018

WoD - Friday 23rd March, 2018

None of you are going to bed before seeing what 18.5 is are you, aside from maybe you Melski, I mean you don't want to be all tired out for a weekend on the razz now do you?! 

The rest of us are more than likely excitedly sat on the edge of our sofa's, eagerly awaiting Dave Castro's release of 18.5, the final (or is it?)* piece of the puzzle! 

*It's not the final piece of our puzzle...this bank holiday we will be having one more final Team Showdown. A fulfilled and meat fuelled event to cap off the 2018 CrossFit Games Open season.

Teams will be able to choose who performs each section of a continuous workout. Gaining "points" for rather than bragging rights on the whiteboard...just a bit of a laugh. An old fashion face off with buddies, followed by a frolic or two out on the tiles.  

Further details will be released throughout the week leading up to the event in a nail biting and exciting build up. Watch this space and have an awesome weekend please! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Every minute, for 15 long and grippy minutes, perform:
5 Pull Ups
4 Chest to Bar
3 Bar Muscle Ups

All without falling off please! If you are still able to grip a whiteboard marker, could you write whether you were successful or not please...

NOW, rumour has it that 18.5 will be hell on pull up earth, but who actually knows. Should that be the case, and only if it is the case, the training team will reserve the right to change the workout, style. They know what the workout is, you don't, preventing you from bullying the poor ginger one into doing something that he doesn't want to do! ;-) 

Good luck with whatever shows up. 

Can't wait for my weekend! 

Can't wait for my weekend!