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Bar Hop Burpees

WoD - Thursday 2nd January, 2020

WoD - Thursday 2nd January, 2020

Now for some of you, tomorrow won’t be so bad. You who have kept up some form of fitness or movement throughout the silly season will swagger into the box, your new nano’s having already been used enough to rid them of the labels stuck to the inserts and blast through the WoD without a care in the world…

…the rest of you will not! Dive in head first and suck it up. The pain will be short lived (ish) and before you know it you will be a CrossFit hero once more!

The normal time table will resume as of tomorrow.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For 5 Rounds, within 3 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
2 Hang squat clean (50/35kg)
4 Bar hop burpees
8 Pistols
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Get the first scores of the decade up on the white board…


WoD - Bank Holiday Monday, 6th May, 2019

WoD - Bank Holiday Monday, 6th May, 2019

Right then you légende’s, remember to fully enjoy your sunny Bank Holiday Monday by coming into class at 11:00am, kicking your own arses into gear and riding yourselves of some brutal Super Sunday Session hang overs with an utter disgusting workout, prior to hopping on the struggle bus to super, duper flex strong town with Yoga at 12!

Then, crawl back under the rock from once you came and rest up until Tuesday! Easy!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds for maximum calories of:
Within 2 mins:
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Bar Hop Burpees
Max Calorie Row
Rest 6 minutes between rounds

Good luck with those hang overs! Get the total calories rowed, per round on the whiteboard before heading off to eat your body weight in Ben and Jerrys. Or preferably, Joe’s!
