Viewing entries tagged
Back squats

WoD - Wednesday 20th March, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 20th March, 2024

Mid-week and following a complete thrashing, let’s be honest. Potentially anyway.

Luckily tomorrow you will all be dry at least, battered legs again but they need to be strong so we’re all good. Summer’s coming after all, and this time it really is!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For straight sets:
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
Back squats

WoD - Wednesday 24th January, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 24th January, 2024

Mid-week and time to completely smash those legs of yours… if you haven’t done so already!

Back squats after a shit ton of wall balls (MORE SQUATS), yep and why? The stimulus is entirely different. The function of the squat the same, I get it. But there is a huge difference to having to squat heavy and low reps vs light and high reps. It is more real world.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back squat
2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2
Heavy and straight

WoD - Tuesday 17th January, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 17th January, 2023

Just the WoD… and specialty…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Back Squat

These are vile, heavy and straight sets. 4 working sets with a heavy arsed barbell throughout.

A: Ring muscle up progressions

B: 15 Support ring swings
15 Bottom support ring swings
5 - 10 Kipping ring dips

WoD - Wednesday 9th March, 2022

WoD - Wednesday 9th March, 2022

You all love a cheeky bit of surprise fitness hey!? The reason that this post has come out at such a random time… wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise for anyone now would I?!
Just remember, it’s all just character building stuff!

Back to some boring, what you see is what you get fitness. Or is it??

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
27 - 21 - 15 - 9
Back squat (70/50kg)
Calorie row

This workout is vile and you have a good friend of mine Jonny and 179 CrossFit to thank for it.

WoD - Thursday 27th January, 2022

WoD - Thursday 27th January, 2022

The last week of the first month, gone already… you’ll be smashed at the Xmas party again before you know it!

That is actually too true, as well as my next statement… today’s workout sucked arse! On to tomorrow…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back squat

3 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1

*increase load when reps decrease

Chest to bar
3 Sets
4 - 6 Chest to bar pull-ups with 3 second pause

3 Sets
3 Negative pull ups - from chest
10 Supine dumbbell lat pull overs
10 Dumbbell bent over rows

3 Sets
Max strict banded C2B pull-ups
20 Hollow rocks
20 Lat Pulldowns