Viewing entries tagged
Assault Bike Cals

WoD - Friday 23rd August, 2019

WoD - Friday 23rd August, 2019

Today is a sad day, marking the last week that The Famous G-Man will be with us! Like a true stud, he came on in, full of beans, in some questionable shorts, and kicked butt in the final WoD.
And with a little friendly encouragement from me, ran in the door at 5:49 for the mile run! What was more impressive though is that Melski followed him in, a time of 5:51, I think a 12min PB…must have been those shorts!


Bank Holiday Monday Opening Hours
10:00 - 11:00: Open Gym
11:00 - 12:00: WoD
12:00 - 13:00: Coffee and Cake

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 5 mins, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 etc ...
Toes to bar
Deficit handstand push ups

Rest 5 mins

Within 5 mins, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 etc ...
Assault Bike Calories
Pull ups

Get those buddies in for one final time this week and chuck your scores to the board please…


WoD - Wednesday 31st October, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 31st October, 2018

Go on then, tell me, how are the pins? All good? How are stairs treating you?? Anyone else forced to kip out of bed so that they don’t have bend in anyway.
Lunging into squats into lunging into squat is stupid! But…the more muscle you have the harder your metabolism will be forced to work, and so therefore your body will be kicking out more heat…and so if you really think of it, we are only doing it to make you lot more comfortable throughout the winter months! ;-)
On another plus side, your butt’s will look legit in your Christmas frocks!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Assault Bike Calories 
Kettlebell Swings (24/20kg)

Write your ball bustlingly fast times to the whiteboard please…

overhead squat.jpg

WoD - Friday 3rd August, 2018

WoD - Friday 3rd August, 2018

If you are reading this, then you have nearly survived! Only one more beasting awaits you, and you are going to love it! Honest!

I promise, that after tomorrow I shall leave you well alone...until next week anyway! 😉

Aside from making you aware of yet another immenant ASSault, I have something cool to share via the medium of screenshot. Alfie, the long legend has made a significant mark in the community, and for very good reason! I shall let you read the picture...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 3mins complete:
20/15 Assault Bike Calories
30 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
In the remaining time: Max ring muscle ups
Rest 6 minutes between rounds. Repeat for 3 total rounds.

Please write your total number of muscle ups to the whiteboard. And a F**K yeah if you get your first... 


WoD - Monday 23rd July, 2018

WoD - Monday 23rd July, 2018

Well I seriously hope that you lot are still sweating on account of having eaten excessive amounts of meat yesterday at Got Beef. Remember, it was not just a one off...we are going to be working together in the future and with your slick cards, you will be able to gain a continuous saving of 10% off burgers!! You could even buy three, one to eat and the other two to clag straight on your chests!!  

The gym is closed this coming weekend for a CrossFit L1 Trainer course. However, the weather is set to be bad ass and so a WoD class will be taught, at Roath park in the middle of the rays.
Now on top of the amazing news that you will be yet again taking over the show in the park, but I will be releasing another super cool saving launch that you can make with your black cards...details to follow! 

Curb the excitement for a minute, focus on the first instalment of this week's thrashings! ;-) 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 Rounds, each for max calories of:
Within 2 mins:
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike
Max Calorie Row
Rest 6 mins

Please scribe your massive calorie scores to the whiteboard, per round, using your strong hands! 


WoD - Tuesday 10th July, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 10th July, 2018

What a weekend! In order to do it justice I had to sit and wait, reflecting on the performances not just on the sand, but back in the caravan. 
Both teams battled hard, and to the very end, affording them the ability to hold their heads high with pride. 
A massive shout out initially to Kath Shafer, as you guys are likely to already know, Kath battled significant adversity during a swim and a paddle board event. Having only ever swam 25m in a pool, the thought of having to swim 600m, in open water and while already fatigued, could have been cause to alarm. Kath, like a stone faced, steely eyed dealer of death, blasted through as if there was nothing new! However, there is no way that she would've felt as safe if it hadn't have been for her team and our wonderful support crew. 
Multiple teams commented on how "well oiled" our machine was. From Sam Price's F1 like driving skills to Jimi (AKA The BBQ King), Ben, Woody, Rach, Mel and Mel, and Daisy for devoting and assisting in the mammoth task of keeping us well fed and watered. Beth's dedication to ensuring that the banging tunes pumped hard all weekend, kept morale sky high! Conroy, you'll all be surprised to hear had the organisational skills of a Colonel commanding a unit attack on a particularly witty enemy, in fact coupled with Ash and his forward thinking, ready for any and every eventuality, we were unbeatable. 
Without a shadow of a doubt however, there was one special person, the glue keeping us all together and the voice making reversing seamless!! 
Hannah though, the one that started everything, and made it happen, has been thanked by all, multiple times, and so she should! What a star, and what an event! 

GET YOURSELVES SIGNED UP NEXT YEAR!! You will not regret it! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time
21 - 15 - 9
Assault Bike Calories
Box over Jumps (24/20")

Sprint through these reps, potentially vomit, and please write your times to the whiteboard...

Blue steel and beach ready! 

Blue steel and beach ready! 

WoD - Wednesday 4th July, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 4th July, 2018

Who picked up more than they ever have, not just once, but for three reps? A bunch of you guys I reckon! Those butts don't lie, but are merely a consequence of getting way fitter and stronger, just like you guys are! Just imagine what you would have lifted had you been outside in the sun, covering in bronzing oil and wearing oakleys, with your thumbs taped! Man! 

Now, everyone just loves to deadlift heavy, slap each other on the ass and drink protein shakes, but who truly enjoys taking themselves to that dire place...where you question just what the f**k you are doing!?!, I love it! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for time of:
21 Burpees
15 Hang Power Cleans (60/40kg)
9 Assault Bike Calories

Please write your blistering times to the whiteboard...

Sooooooo Dreamy! 

Sooooooo Dreamy! 

WoD - Friday 29th June, 2018

WoD - Friday 29th June, 2018

So, the word on the street is that your legs are all a little sore? Whaaaaaaat?! No way, you guys are bad asses! Witnessed through the powerful evidence of the sprinting up and down the gym floor on your f**king HANDS!!! 

Man, wherever you are right now, is there anyone else in the room who goes to a gym where the workout asks you to walk across the gym on your hands. Or are they all crying miserably into their protein shakes at the thought of another set of 8 - 12 (the hypertrophic phase yo) reps of bicep curls; right before they resist the urge to punch themselves right in their own genitalia while maintaining their heart rate in the "fat burning zone" on the cross-trainer!

...F**K THAT!! Let's just smash ourselves on the assault bikes instead!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 Rounds each for time:
20/15 Calories Assault Bike
5 Thrusters (80/60kg)

Rest for 4 minutes between rounds

Scrap your beautiful butts up from the wonderfully clean gym floor and scribe 4 individual times to the whiteboard please...


WoD - Wednesday 20th June, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 20th June, 2018

Now I fully understand that this is not pleasant, however nor should it be. But, and this is going to be hard to see right now...once you get through tomorrow you won't have to worry, it's all downhill from here! 
How could we possibly program anything to cause you more pain?? 

The very best thing about this workout is that you get to watch Nick lose his soul, and maybe some of his insides. Personally, I cannot wait! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for Max Calories of:
30s Assault Bike
Rest 4:30 between rounds

Please, if you survive, go and punch Ash in the baby maker but before you do, wrote you total calories to the whiteboard...

This is just what you are gonna look like after the first round too...

This is just what you are gonna look like after the first round too...

WoD - Tuesday 12th June, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 12th June, 2018

Man it's hot and amazing and this weather makes us all happy and healthy and just desperate to sell our souls on the assault bikes for a little while!! No?? Just me?? No way! 

Maybe instead, you can lean on a GHD and ponder...looking deep into the spiders cobwebs, suspended high above the rig, sipping a delicious iced coffee while thinking... just what the f**k am I going to have for lunch tomorrow..."I've got it...a chilli and rice pudding!!" 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for time of:
20 Calorie Assault Bike
20 GHD Sit Ups
20 Burpees
20 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35lbs)

At the very last minute, rescue your bodies escaping soul and with it...write your times down on the whiteboard...


WoD - Tuesday 13th May, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 13th May, 2018

Barbara is a total bitch! I have a special relationship with her, she was the first workout that I did after having a break from CrossFit; not through my own doing you understand. 

While on a 3 month residential EMT course in Swansea, I was unable to get to a box and or really train due to our workload. I did take a 32kg kettlebell (which one of the cleaners tried to pick up and subsequently messed her back up) with me, as well as a set of rings, to do what I could. 
All workouts involved muscles ups from a tree, car park sprints and KB swings. None of which is idea. 
Coming back from that course and going straight into Barbara was a mistake of ginormous proportion. Fearing for my life, and the lives of my patients the next day, I had to scale it back to 3 rounds. Guess still f**ked me up! 
Anyway, I digress...

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Teams of 2
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
20 - 40 - 60 - 80 - 100 etc
5 - 10  - 15 - 20 - 25 etc
Double unders
Power cleans (40/30kg)

Rest 5 mins

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 etc
5 - 10  - 15 - 20 - 25 etc
Assault Bike Calories
Shoulder to overhead (40/30kg)

They are BACK!! 

They are BACK!! 

WoD - Wednesday 9th May, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 9th May, 2018

If found, please return my legs, lungs and/or shoulders to...

CrossFit Cardiff
Unit's J8 & J9
Colchester Avenue Industrial Estate
Hell on Earth

Anyway, back in the room. That leader board for May's monthly challenge is looking a little bare. There are rumours of Nick (I love a good toe to bar WoD) Griffin having a stab later this week. Don't let the poor man go alone team! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within nine minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
40/30 Assault Bike Calories, once as a buy in:
3 Bar Muscle Ups
6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (60/40kg)
9 Box Over Jumps (30”/24”)

Please scribe total rounds and reps to the whiteboard before giving the bikes the finger...


WoD - Monday 19th March, 2018

WoD - Monday 19th March, 2018

Who wanted the season of spring anyway?! I'd much prefer to freeze my ass off the entire time! Another massive middle finger to the British weather system. 
Anyway, we shall not let it break us, we shall carry on regardless. Forget about the ice, and get excited about a little event that we have coming up. 

On the bank holiday weekend, on Saturday the 31st of March, we will be having an end of open throw down; with a slightly differing format. 
Each team, Green (clearly the best), red and blue will have to complete a number of workouts and tasks within a continuously running timeframe. For example, and the real workouts will be released ahead of time for team captains to plan:

1 hour running clock:
Min 0 - 15: 3 Team members will establish a 3RM Clean
Min 15 - 25: 3 Team members will run as many 400m repeats as possible
Min 25 - 40:****

The above is merely an example, but written to give an idea of what is to come. Team Captains can decide on which of their teammates should take part in each section, the only rule is that everyone should do something.
3...2...1...go will be at 11am, as per the normal class time, and so you should plan to arrive a little earlier for a warm up. I will look to be finished at 1pm. 
Following the event, we shall screen the brand new CrossFit Feature film, "The Redeemed and the Dominant" eat food, drink beer and frolic; almost certainly resulting in a few folk (especially Melski) going out out. GET EXCITED and look out for a facebook event. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds each for time:
15/12 Cal Bike
10m DB Lunges (front rack) 
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
10m DB Lunges (front rack - 50/35lbs)
Rest 5mins between rounds

Please write you individual round times to the whiteboard once you are able to function yet again.

It might be snowy and cold, but it looking f**king fantastic! 

It might be snowy and cold, but it looking f**king fantastic! 

WoD - Wednesday 14th March, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 14th March, 2018

No long now...the summer months are coming! No more use of hats and gloves, multiple hoodies and longs, they are soon to be packed right away! As is the winter duvet! Get that sucker gone until next January! 

In another little twist of routine, we are hosting a Friday night lights event this coming Friday, especially for 18.4. Heats will be running throughout the evening, but please arrive for the usually scheduled class times. Athletes will farm through the workout which, is perfectly obviously going to contain wall balls...made obvious from the latest "clue" put forward by the man himself...


In yet another twist, we see a "partner" workout programmed tomorrow! Great times hey?! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within 2mins, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 
20 TTB
15/12 Cal Assault bike
Max reps Kettlebell Farmers carry 10m shuttles (2 x 32/24kg) (1 x 10m length equals 1 rep.) 
Repeat in a you go, I go fashion for 10 total rounds. 

Please post total reps to comments... 

Ash is going to get a visit from the big boss

Ash is going to get a visit from the big boss

WoD - Wednesday 28th February, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 28th February, 2018

Look out, we have a surprise for you. Ash (AKA The Ginger Ninja), is trying to put you off your guard by smashing you in the face with a mid week "team" workout. Which, by the way, you are going to looooooooove! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

In teams of 3, with a you go, I go style:
15 Rounds for time of:
In 2 mins:
30 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
50 Double unders
Max cal Ass bike*

*Your score is your total cals for team. 

Please post these huge scores to the whiteboard....


WoD - Friday 16th February, 2018

WoD - Friday 16th February, 2018

For those of you who are planning on resting tomorrow, carb loading ready for the banging event on Saturday...DON'T!!! Carb loading is bullshit and not even Conroy rests...especially on assault bike day!! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
15/12 Cals Assault Bike
10 Deadlifts (100/70kg)
5 Handstand Push Ups
You Go I Go Rounds

Please post rounds and reps completed to the whiteboard....


WoD - Thursday 1st February, 2018

WoD - Thursday 1st February, 2018

Pinch, punch, first of the month you beauties. 

I have two things to tell you tonight. Firstly, Prodders the rockstar is putting herself into a hole for the entire month by donning a 10kg weighted vest! The only time she wont be wearing it will be showering, sleeping or working! So she has signed up for as many over-time shifts as the European working directive will allow, warned Welsh water off about an up and coming demand increase of it's services and has purchased a brand new, memory foam mattress ready for the second most famous sleep in in history! John Lennon eat your heart out!! 

All joking aside, what she is doing is seriously commendable. Please, please get behind her and give her the support she deserves. You can find out just how by clicking here...


Secondly. And as importantly, throughout 2018 I will be recognising a member of the month. Various reasoning, depending on what the coaches have witnessed throughout workouts and classes will dictate who this award is given to.
This month, Enrique has really caught my eye, rather than simply kicking ass and fully committing to each and every workout, as soon as he is done, he's over to his fellow team mate to support them over the line. 
CrossFit is hard, really hard, but it's people like you Enrique, that makes those thrusters just that little bit easier. 

People are gonna be especially in need of you tomorrow brother...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: For Time
21 - 15 - 9
Deadlift (100/70kg)
OHS (60/40kg)

Rest 6mins

B: For time:
21 Cal AB
Rest 3mins
15 Cal AB
Rest 2mins
9 Cal AB

Try, if you can, to peel yourselves off the floor and get those scores written on the board...


WoD - Friday 26th February, 2018

WoD - Friday 26th February, 2018

And you thought that you could get through the entire week without a decent kicking on the ASSbike...whatever Trevor! 

This time though, you do get to spread the load...#safetyinnumbers

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

A. Within 10 mins, complete an AMRAP of (YGIG):
10/7 Cal assault bike
10 Burpees
Rest 5 mins
B. Within 10 mins, complete an AMRAP of (YGIG):
10 Dumbbell STOH (50/35lbs)
15 Box jumps (24/20")

Post your GINORMOUS/KICKASS round scores to the whiteboard please...

If I had a pound every time this happened...we'd have a few more assault bikes! ;-) 

If I had a pound every time this happened...we'd have a few more assault bikes! ;-) 

WoD - Monday 8th January, 2017

I hope you lovely lot have had a chilled weekend, probably detoxing from the silly season! Anyone appear from my mother dry for January? 

This cheeky little number comes to you courtesy of Hannah, and it hurts like a bastard... 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

5 Rounds, each for time:

20 Air Squats

10 Box Over Jumps (24/20”)

10 Assault Bike Calories

5 Hang Power Clean and Jerks (70/50kg) 

Rest 3mins between rounds. 

please post times to the whiteboard... 


WoD - Tuesday 2nd January, 2018

I sincerely hope that you all had an amazing Christmas period and a very Happy New Year. 

Lets get stuck back into some fitness, and what a better way to kick off 2018 but with the ASSbike?! Come know you want to! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
21 - 15 - 9
DB Snatch (50/35lbs)
Ring Dips
Assault Bike Calories

Please post the first bad assed time of 2018 to the whiteboard...

Happy NEw Year.png